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Why Claim Settlement Ratio Is Important?

One of the most significant criteria to consider when choosing an insurance company from which to purchase life or health insurance is the claim settlement ratio. If the insurance provider fails to do so, The plain truth is that being prepared for anything, including death or a death claim, makes life easier. Knowing about death claims will not make you feel any better, but it will help you go through the process more quickly. If the claims are not resolved, the entire point of purchasing insurance coverage is defeated.

What is the Claim Settlement Ratio?

Claim settlement ratio is the ratio of the total number of insurance claims paid out by an insurance company to the total number of claims received.

Every year, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) provides various data about Indian insurance businesses. Premiums earned, claims filed, claims resolved, claims settlement ratio, and solvency ratio are among the data points.

Importance of the Claim Settlement Ratio

Here is the importance of the claim settlement ratio (CSR):

  • In general, a higher ratio indicates that a greater number of claims are being settled and is a positive indicator for the plan buyer, whereas a lower ratio is a negative indicator.
  • Another thing to keep in mind is that the claim settlement ratio is calculated for the entire company's products, not just one.
  • As a result, a buyer must examine the claim settlement ratios that a company has attained throughout time, as well as the stability of these ratios, before purchasing any insurance product. The company would be more trustworthy if the ratios were consistent.
  • The claim will be rejected if it is filed after the policy has expired. The premiums must be paid on time for the claim to be authorised, and if they are not paid on time, they must be paid during the grace period to keep the policy in force. The claim will not be accepted if the policy is not in effect.
  • Examine the number of claims the insurance firm has received. Examine the size and age of the insurance firm as well.
  • If the policyholder is unable to complete the claim within the time frame specified, the claim may be rejected. Such incidents frequently result in the corporation conducting an investigation.
  • One must be careful to submit all of the needed information, as well as ensure that all of the information is correctly filled out to avoid any errors. Forms must be thoroughly examined to ensure that no errors occur.
  • The Claim Settlement Ratio, among other things, must be examined during this process. Because if your insurance company fails to help you when you need it the most, you risk being uninsured. As a result, keep this in mind while purchasing insurance.


Nonetheless, there are some conditions in which the claim may not be paid out. Some of these variables could be linked to the insured. These include providing incomplete or erroneous information on applications, as well as concealing one's medical history when applying for a life insurance policy. Other causes for claim denial could be related to the insurer, such as inadequate practices or a lack of credibility.

Also Read:

Things To Remember While Registering A Death Claim

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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