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How to Get Duplicate LIC Policy Bond?

LIC bond is a crucial document as it refers to LIC's contractual obligation to provide the required financial cover for the risk.  The main document that will be referred to regarding any details concerning your policies will be this LIC bond. 

The loss of your LIC bond will directly impact your policy and its advantages. It is necessary, therefore, to have physical copies of your policies made. LIC will only be able to offer all the facilities for a satisfactory closure if the policy bond is furnished as required. The protection of this document must, therefore, be of utmost importance to any insured person.

Read More: How to Change Address in LIC Policy?

How Can I Apply For A Duplicate LIC Bond?

In the event of the loss of a policy bond, LIC of India has created a comprehensive procedure to provide a duplicate policy. The process will require a lot of time, hence before making any application to LIC for the duplicate bond, you need to check your house or office carefully to find your LIC bond. When you have ensured that the regulation is missing, you need to follow the procedure below to initiate the duplicate policy request.

The following process should be adhered to obtain a duplicate policy bond from LIC:

1. Place an Advertisement

You must put an advertisement in the state where the policy was lost in a commonly read English/vernacular newspaper. This advertisement will be posted for a month, and you need to send a copy of the newspaper along with the advertisement to the LIC servicing branch at the end of the month. LIC will begin proceedings to issue the duplicate policy if no objections were presented during the month that the advertisement was in circulation. 

2. Indemnity Bond

As the LIC policy bond is a legal record, you must apply for a backup copy by submitting an indemnity bond. Request LIC Form 3756 for the preparation of this indemnity bond and then print it on a non-judicial stamp file. Confirm the value of the stamp paper from LIC, since this could differ from state to state. Once on the stamp paper, Form 3756 is printed, fill in all the information needed on it such as the name of the policyholder, policy number, etc., and have it signed by 2 witnesses.

3. Fill Questionnaire

When your indemnity bond is ready, complete a simple questionnaire given by LIC as to the reasons for the bond loss. After the questions have been answered, attach the last receipt given by LIC fill in the form with the requested information, and sign it. For this, you do not need any witnesses. The duplicate bond would not be given without the questionnaire and indemnity bond.

4. Documents and Issue of Duplicate Bond

You must submit other documents such as photo identity and valid residential proof. Along with these documents, you must pay the necessary charges such as duplicate fees, policy charges, etc. together with GST. LIC will scrutinize all documents once they are submitted and process the application and a new LIC bond will be issued to you.

Also Check: LIC Endowment Plan Premium Calculator

All About LIC Unit-Linked Insurance Plans


Due to the financial cover offered by it, the safekeeping of a LIC bond is essential. The LIC bond will not only guarantee the protection of your documents but also the rights it offers, provided we take good care and obey all the safety steps.

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