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Everything You Need To Know About Future Generali Saral Jeevan Bima

Future Generali Life Insurance is one of the most reputed Insurance companies in India which offers a plethora of insurance products such as term insurance plans, ULIPs etc. which can be customised according to your financial requirements. Future Generali is the joint venture between Future group, Generali group and Industrial Investment Trust Limited. It offers a complete range of solutions for the financial security of customers and enterprises including savings, family Protection, ULIPs and group products. 

Eligibility Criteria Of Future Generali Saral Jeevan Bima

  1. Entry age- 18 years to 65 years
  2. Maturity age- 23 years to 70 years
  3. Policy tenure- 5 years to 40 years
  4. Premium payment mode- single pay, limited pay and regular pay.
  5. Premium payment frequency- yearly, half yearly and monthly 

Benefits of Future Generali Saral Jeevan Bima

1. Death Benefit

Upon the demise of the insured within the waiting period while the policy is still active, the death benefit amount will be payable as the lump sum. Also upon the death of the life assured during the waiting period expiry, before the date stipulated of the maturity and the policy is active, the death benefit amount will be payable as a lump sum. 

2. Waiting Period

From the start of the date of the commencement of the risk, there is a 45 days waiting period, the policy covers death only due to accident, then the entire premium amount, excluding the applicable taxes, will be paid back and not the sum assured.  The waiting period is not applicable in the case of revival policy. 

3. Revival

If the premium goes unpaid for 5 consecutive years from the date of the first premium, the policyholder can revive the policy again. If the policy lapses due to non-payment of premium it can be revived within the maturity date as well as the revival date for the policy.

4. Tax Benefits

The policyholder can avail of the tax benefits as per the provisions of the income tax laws. 

Documents Required To Buy Future Generali Saral Jeevan Bima

To buy the Future Generali Saral Jeevan Bima the following documents are required: 

  • Identity proof
  • Address proof
  • Certificate of birth
  • Bank account details
  • Passport size photographs

How To Buy Future Generali Saral Jeevan Bima Online

To buy the Insurance online follow the following steps: 

Step 1- Select the amount of insurance that is the sum assured that you want to receive under the policy. 

Step 2- After that, choose the policy term, which is the duration of the policy, along with that you need to choose the premium payment term at your convenience. 

Step 3- Calculate the premium and fill up the proposal form, the application form. You can avail the help of the advisor who will provide you with the customised quote. 

Step 4- Pay the premium on time and stay financially secure. 

Take Away

Established in 2007, the company is spread across 98 branches all over India and has sourced over 11 lakh policies since its inception. Future Generali aims towards becoming one of the leading insurers of the country. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.    

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