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Everything You Must Know About E-Services Offered By LIC

LIC has a vast network of offices in the country where policyholders are required to go to make policy payments or check their status. Despite the availability of offices, consumers might still find it difficult to physically go to the LIC branches for premium payments, or to check their loan/policy status. However, not many policyholders are aware of LIC’s online portal that allows them to avail a multitude of facilities from the comfort of their homes with just a few clicks. With digital wave taking over the world, most insurers are also adapting to the changes. Numerous insurance providers in the country have introduced an aspect of online services in their roster and LIC is one of them.

Benefits of LIC Online Portal

Almost all insurance providers in the country now offer their policies online as well. LIC has also made its policies available online. However, the biggest benefit of LIC’s online policy is the post-sale support policyholders can avail now in a hassle-free process. Mentioned below are some of the benefits of LIC’s online portal:

  • Allows policyholders to access information pertaining to their insurance plans anytime, anywhere.
  • Policy premiums can be paid online without visiting branches.
  • Policyholders do not have to call LIC’s customer care or visit their office to know the claim status.
  • LIC’s online portal provides all the necessary details.
  • Grievances and complaints can also be filed through the portal.
  • For enrolled policies, consumers can check the images of policy bond and proposal form.
  • Details of multiple policies can be accessed through the portal.
  • LIC’s e-services are completely free of cost.

Services Offered By LIC’s Online Portal

  • Online Payment

This facility allows policyholders to pay renewal premium, loan-interest, and repayment of loan through LIC’s e-services. Payment can be made through net banking, debit card, credit card, BHIM, and UPI. Policyholders can pay their premiums starting from 1 month before the due date till the time the policy is active.

  • Policy Schedule

Consumers can view the first page of the policy bond which includes the policy schedule through the portal.

  • Policy Status

The e-services portal also displays the policy status and other details of the plan like plan-term, sum assured, date of commencement, etc.

  • Bonus Status

Policyholders can also view the total bonus accumulated under the policy.

  • Loan Status

Details of loan status like the total loan outstanding under the policy, due date for loan interest, etc. are available on the portal.

  • Claims Status

This facility enables policyholders to view the date of survival benefit (If applicable) or maturity benefit under the policy during its tenure.

  • Revival Quotation

In cases of lapsed policies, revival quotation is made available.

  • Premium Due Calendar

Details of the premiums due in the year are displayed under this tab.

  • Premium Paid Certificate

Under this tab, policyholders can avail details of the premiums paid under individual and consolidated policies. The claim history which includes the details of claims paid during the policy tenure is also displayed here.

  • Proposal form/Policy bond image

Policyholders can view scanned images of the policy bond and proposal form in the portal. This service is available only for enrolled policies.

  • Grievance Registration

Policyholders also have the option to file grievances or complaints with the insurer.

Who Can Avail E-services?

Any existing policyholder of LIC can avail these services provided by LIC’s online portal. If the consumers have already registered with LIC, they can directly register for e-services by filling the form provided on LIC India’s website. Consumer’s not registered with LIC must enrol their policies first and then register for e-services.

How To Register For LIC E-services?

Policyholders can register for LIC e-services in the following ways:


After logging in to LIC’s website, policyholders can click on the ‘Registration form’ option on the landing page. It will lead to a new page where details of policies and KYC needs to be filled in. After submission, the form is verified by an LIC official.

LIC Branch

Policyholders can give their consent for e-service in the proposal form when buying a new policy. The policy bond is issued to the consumer and scanned images of the proposal form are made available in the portal.


Most of the benefits that could be availed by customers only after visiting a LIC branch or talking to a LIC agent are now available through LIC e-Services. The user-friendly interface of the official website and mobile application of LIC e-Services ensures that customers can easily navigate through the features.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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