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Do’s And Don’ts of Buying A Life Insurance Policy

Everybody on the planet is concerned about the well-being of their loved ones, even if they are present with them or not. It is a universal fact that nobody is immortal and one day each one of us has to say goodbye to our lives leaving all our loved ones behind. You work hard to provide the best life to your family but life is unpredictable, it can turn upside down within a minute and you never know when can be the last day of your life, what will happen to your family after you?

This thought can be worrisome, but you need not agonize much about it because that’s what life insurances are for. The life insurance policy acts as a lifesaver when it comes to looking after the needs of your family, your little investment can help your family survive in the time of emergency. This looks like an excellent point to go for life insurance, but before getting into anything, you should know what you are getting yourself into and to help you with this we have a list of Do’s and Don’ts that you should keep in mind while buying a life insurance policy. 

Do’s of Buying Life Insurance

  • Set your expectations clearly

Before going into any deal, you should know what are your expectations, what are you looking for in the policy, what are the terms that it should follow. Ask yourself these questions and know what exactly you are looking for as this will help you in choosing the right policy that will be suitable for you.

  • Be open to different options

It has always been an appropriate step to assess different options that you have in front of you, going through the policy’s terms and conditions, understanding its requirements and asking yourself ‘whether it has everything that I am looking for?’ These are necessary steps before you go for any policy as it assures you that you have taken the right decision.

  • Go for advice if needed

If you are new at this and have no clue what you should do then it is suggested that you should talk to someone known who already has a life insurance policy and should understand how the things work before taking any further step.

  • Check the identification of the agent

You must check and verify the license of the agent from whom you are going to buy the policy as it not only saves you from any trickery but also ensures that you get expert assistance during the procedure.

  • Inspect your policy periodically

This is an essential step as it ensures that there are no loopholes in the policy and you can even change the requirements as per the circumstances.

  • Go through the policy thoroughly

You need to read the terms and conditions of the policy thoroughly and understand it if you could not get some point in the policy then it is advisable to ask your agent about it but a proper understanding of the policy is necessary to make any further decisions.  

Don’ts of Buying Life Insurance

  • Don’t respond to con calls

Beware of the fraudsters who claim to be agents from RBI or other banks, if you receive such calls, don’t entertain them and let the authority know about these calls.

  • Don’t share privileged information

If someone calls and claims to be an agent and asks about private information like your bank account number, card details etc. don’t share it. An authorized agent will formally let you know if something like that is needed.

  • Don’t rush your decision making

Such vital decisions take time in evaluation and understanding, so you should be patient and take every step carefully as this is an investment for your lifetime.


Life insurance provides several benefits and features but individuals must take a wise decision before committing to a life insurance plan. Buying a life insurance policy can be a tiring task, the above pointers may help you assess the do’s and don’ts after buying a life insurance policy.

Also read 

What Is The Impact of Age on Life Insurance Premiums?

Beginner’s Guide: Evaluating A Life Insurance Policy

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.             

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