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Oriental Critical Illness Health Insurance

165 reviews Rate This
Oriental Health Insurance
Critical Illness Policy
Claim SettlementDedicated Team
Claim Settlement Ratio93.96%
COVID-19 CoverYes
Network Hospitals4,300+
Policies Sold12,50,812

About Oriental Critical Illness Health Insurance

Critical Illness Policy offered by The Oriental Insurance Company Limited is a fixed benefit policy that provides lump sum payment benefit if the insured is diagnosed with any of the 22 listed critical illnesses. Some of the critical illnesses that the policy covers you for include cancer of specified severity, coma of specified severity, permanent paralysis of limbs, kidney failure requiring regular dialysis, and stroke resulting in permanent symptoms. The policy comes in two variants, Plan A and Plan B. Plan A covers you for 11 specified illnesses, whereas Plan B covers you for additional 11 critical illnesses apart from the ones covered under Plan B. The policy comes with two term options, i.e. 1 year or 3 years, that you can choose as per your requirement.

You can buy Critical Illness Policy if you are aged between 18 years and 65 years. For people aged up to 50 years, the Critical Illness Policy comes with sum insured options ranging between Rs. 2 Lakh and Rs. 50 Lakh. Whereas for people aged above 50 years, the sum insured options range between Rs. 2 Lakh and Rs. 20 Lakh. Under a single policy, apart from self, you can include spouse, either parents or parents in law, dependent children aged between 18 years and 25 years, and unmarried dependent siblings. There is no exit age under the policy and it comes with lifetime renewability benefit. Also, there is no requirement of pre-insurance medical check up if you are aged up to 45 years.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • Plan A covers 11 critical illnesses
  • Plan B covers 22 critical illnesses
  • People aged between 18 years and 65 years can buy the policy
  • Benefit of second medical opinion
  • No need of medical check-up up to 45 years

What's Not Included

  • Expenses related to any unproven treatment
  • Expenses related to maternity and pregnancy
  • Treatment required due to attempt of suicide and any self-inflicted injury
  • Expenses related to non-prescribed drugs
  • Expenses related to treatment of AIDS/HIV

Claim Process at Oriental Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation as soon as it occurs and for planned hospitalisation intimate as soon as it occurs prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation as soon as it occurs and for planned hospitalisation intimate as soon as it occurs prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Critical Illness Policy Health Insurance Plan

  • What are the critical illnesses covered under Plan A in Critical Illness Policy?

    Plan A covers you for the following critical illnesses:

    • Cancer of specified severity
    • Myocardial infarction (first heart attack)
    • Stroke resulting in permanent symptoms 
    • Motor neurone disease with permanent symptoms 
    • Major organs/ bone marrow transplant
    • Open chest CABG 
    • Coma of specified severity 
    • Kidney failure requiring regular dialysis 
    • Open heart replacement or repair of heart valves 
    • Permanent paralysis of limbs 
    • Multiple sclerosis with persisting symptoms
  • What are the critical illnesses covered under Plan A in Critical Illness Policy?

    Apart from the ones mentioned in Plan A, Plan B covers you for the following additional critical illnesses:

    • Angioplasty 
    • Benign brain tumour 
    • Blindness 
    • End stage liver failure 
    • Loss of speech 
    • Deafness 
    • End stage lung failure 
    • Major head trauma 
    • Primary (idiopathic) pulmonary hypertension 
    • Loss of limbs 
    • Major head trauma 
    • Primary (idiopathic) pulmonary hypertension 
    • Third degree burns 
  • What is the survival period in Critical Illness Policy offered by The Oriental Insurance Company Limited?

    A claim under the policy will only be admissible if the insured person survives the survival period of 30 days, after a critical illness has been diagnosed or the procedure is being carried out.  

  • Can I enhance the sum insured of my Critical Illness Policy?

    Yes. You can enhance your sum insured to immediately next sum insured slab after every 2 claim-free years, at the time of renewal. 

  • What is the waiting period under Critical Illness Policy?

    Critical Illness Policy comes with a waiting period of 90 days, calculated from the date of commencement of the policy. Only after this, the claims will be accepted. 

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