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Digit Health Insurance for Woman

Women take charge in all walks of life, but not their health. Why don’t you think of buying women health insurance to ease the burden off her shoulders? Digit Health Plus policy provides complete coverage for women. It covers medical expenses towards hospitalisation, maternity, newborn baby, critical illnesses, and so on. With the policy, a woman doesn’t need to depend on others for her health. Instead, she can choose the world-class hospital at the time of ill-health without worrying about finance.

Key Features

  • The policy can be availed on individual as well as family floater basis
  • The sum insured under the policy starts from Rs. 2 Lakh
  • Women can get the policy renewed lifetime
  • No claim discount in claim-free year
  • Options of second medical opinion for critical illnesses
  • Sum insured refill benefit under the plan
  • The policy lets you avail cash benefits in case of long hospitalisation

Scope of Coverage

  • The policy covers pre and post hospitalisation cover
  • Inpatient hospitalisation, including room rent, doctor’s fee, ICU, medicines, etc.
  • Expenses incurred towards pregnancy: both normal and C-section
  • Expenses incurred for the complication of pregnancy
  • Legally or medically-required termination
  • Outpatient (OPD) treatment where no hospitalisation is required
  • Ambulance charges, daycare procedures and domiciliary treatment cover


To enter the Digit Plus Policy and enjoy all its benefits, the minimum age for adults is 18 years and maximum required age is 60 years. However, a child from 1 year can also be insured under the policy.


  • No cover for pre-existing diseases until the waiting period is over
  • Costs for Artificial Life Maintenance
  • Suicide or attempted suicide in the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Hospitalisation treatment expenses if not necessary and not recommended by the attending doctor
  • Stem cell implantation/surgery

If you have any query about the benefits of the policy for women, let’s schedule a call with our experts. Or feel free to call our toll-free number 1800-120-5698 to have a word with them.

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Disclaimer: Actual Premium might vary basis your location, age and number of members

Health Insurance Coverage Calculator

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  • Individual
  • Couple
  • Family
  • Parents

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

Health Insurance News


  • Does Go Digit provide maternity coverage?

    Yes, Go Digit policies offer maternity benefits. The insurer pays the maternity expenses incurred towards the delivery of a baby and treatment related to any complication of pregnancy. 

  • What should be the age of women to get covered under the health policy of Go Digit General Insurance?

    Women members between the age group of 1 year and 60 years can get coverage under the Go Digit health insurance policy. 

  • Does Go Digit health insurance plan offer newborn baby cover to women policyholders?

    Yes, women members are provided with the feature of newborn baby benefit within the limit of the sum insured amount. 

  • Who should buy a Digit woman health insurance plan?

    Digit women health insurance plan is an ideal purchase for women who want adequate insurance coverage for women related health issues that regular health insurance plans or the ones offered by employers may or may not cover. 

  • Can I change the sum insured during Digit woman health insurance tenure?

    Yes. You can change the sum insured of your Digit woman health insurance plan at the time of renewal before the policy gets expired. You can choose from other sum insured options offered under the policy. But note that the premium may also change with change in sum insured. 

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