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Why You Should Have A Term Insurance During COVID-19 Outbreak?

Right now people all around the world are living with financial and health emergencies. The effect of the disease COVID-19 may vary from one person to another but the cost of treatment remains expensive for most people. 

If a person is diagnosed with CoronaVirus and needs to hospitalised for the treatment, it may add up to the treatment expenses. In case a person passes away from the disease, under such circumstances a term insurance plan may be helpful. 

The main objective of purchasing a term insurance plan is to provide financial security to your loved ones in case such unforeseen circumstances occur. 

Below mentioned are some reasons why you should have term insurance during COVID-19 outbreak:

Why You Should Have A Term Insurance During COVID-19 Outbreak?

Following are some good reasons to purchase a term insurance during COVID-19 outbreak:

  • Financial Security: People purchase term insurance generally to provide financial security to their loved ones in unfortunate times. During COVID-19 second wave, many people lost their family members to this disease. As a sole breadwinner of the family, you must worry about the financial stability of your family in case of your unforeseen demise. Now you need not be worrying about the financial security of your family because term insurance plans cover death due to COVID-19. In case the life assured passes away due to COVID-19, the family of the life assured shall be provided with a death benefit.
  • Comprehensive Protection in Affordable Premium Rates: Term insurance plans provide comprehensive protection at affordable premium rates. You can avail life cover at a very affordable price. Now that term insurance plans also cover death due COVID-19, you get comprehensive protection from uncertainties of life under a nominal cost.
  • Multiple Death Benefit Payout Options: In your absence, your financial debts and liabilities may fall on your loved ones. Your family receives a lump sum amount in case of your unfortunate demise and this amount shall help them manage the financial liabilities and debts. Some term insurance plans provide multiple death benefit payout options such as lump sum, lump sum plus installments, regular installments or part lump sum and part regular installments. Your dependents can choose the death benefit payout option according to their financial requirements.


COVID-19 has caused havoc around the world and this is without a doubt a major health and financial concern among people all around the world. You must protect you and your family physically and financially from this disease. One great way to provide financial security to your family in case of your unfortunate demise from COVID-19, is to invest in a term insurance plan. In unfortunate circumstances your family will be financially secured with the help of a term insurance. 

Also Read: Term Insurance - Investment or Expense?

Why You Should Consider Term Life Insurance in Your 30s?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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