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Why Should I Go For Joint Life Cover?

Life insurance policies assist you in achieving your life objectives. They shield your family from financial hardship in the event of your death. Term insurance policies have traditionally been linked with a single policyholder. However, as market and societal conditions changed, the necessity to insure many people under a policy arose in order to provide families with comprehensive protection. These are referred to as joint term insurance plans. They are particularly well-liked by married couples. They provide life insurance for two people under one policy. You should continue reading to learn more about such plans.

What is a Joint Term Life Insurance Plan?

Unlike standard term plans, two people are covered under a joint life term insurance policy. The premium is paid by both insured parties for a set length of time, and the payout is paid to the other policyholder if one of the policyholders dies. The coverage, however, will expire if one of the insured partners dies. If the surviving policyholder desires to continue receiving coverage under the life term policy, he/she must acquire a new policy. Both policyholders are the owners and beneficiaries of a joint term life insurance policy.

Why Should I Go For A Joint Term Life Insurance Plan?

The following features of a joint term life insurance policy make it a worthwhile investment.

1. Financial Security

It is advantageous to purchase this plan, especially for a nuclear family or young couples, in order to increase the family's financial security. Regardless of whether both spouses work or just one works, both should be covered. The plan will cover the liabilities and obligations in the event of an unpleasant event.

2. Low Premiums

Since joint life insurance policies have cheaper and inexpensive rates than individual life insurance plans, they are not financially burdensome while simultaneously protecting two people. In reality, for couples on a tight monthly budget and with limited means to invest, joint life insurance is a rewarding option.

3. Convenient

Both partners can easily administer the policy as joint term life insurance just requires paperwork for one plan. Moreover, there is a low possibility of missing any premium payment instalment in a joint life plan compared to different individual policies with different premium payment timings.

4. Additional Income

Some insurance offers the surviving policyholder a regular income stream. The surviving partner will get a regular income (usually for 60 months) in addition to the death benefit if one of them dies. With a supplementary income, the family's financial security is ensured.

5. Rider Benefits

Some joint life insurance plans also allow you to add a critical illness insurance rider to your base policy. In addition, some recently introduced joint term life plans include features such as an in-built accidental death benefit and an in-built terminal illness benefit for any advanced or rapidly progressing incurable medical condition.


People who have a financially dependent spouse or partner should acquire a joint life insurance policy. It is a cost-effective financial strategy because the primary policyholder just has to pay one premium. In addition, Indian insurers offer competitive and cheap premium rates as well as a comprehensive selection of features.

Aslo Read: What Type Of Life Insurance Is Suitable For Unmarried People?

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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