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Why Is Medical Test Important In Term Insurance Plan?

Having a term insurance plan can help you create a financial backup for your family, in case of your untimely demise. In your absence, the insurance benefit from the term policy will take care of all financial needs, such as your children's education, paying back loans, and managing household bills. 

As part of the term insurance purchase you need to undergo a comprehensive term insurance medical test. Based on the medical test results, the insurance provider will suggest customised term insurance policy for you so that you can choose the term plan variant that offers maximum benefits at cheaper premium rates. 

Below is a detailed discussion about the reasons why medical tests are important in term plans. 

Reasons For The Importance of Medical Test In Term Insurance Plans

Here's a list of reasons behind the importance of medical tests in term insurance plans: 

  • For Deciding Premium Amount

The insurer must determine your health condition before they can determine what will be the amount of premium that you have to pay for your insurance. If you are in the best of your health, then your rate of premium will be low. On the other hand, if the medical test detects any pre-existing medical issue, the risk factor associated with you becomes higher. Hence, you may have to pay a high amount of premium for your desired coverage. 

  • Sum Assured

The term insurance medical test can help you avail a higher count of sum assured if your results are relatively healthy. The insurance policies that do not require any medical test for term insurance usually offer a low sum assured, which may not be enough to fulfill your family needs. Before undergoing a test, it is advisable that you thoroughly research the benefits of the available term plans and estimate the premium payable for the desired sum assured. 

  • Claim Rejection

At the time of claim settlement, if the insurance provider finds that the policyholder's untimely demise is because of any pre-existing medical condition that was not mentioned in their application, the insurer can reject your term insurance claim. Filling out your term insurance application requires you to disclose any existing health condition which may develop into life-threatening ailment later and result in claim rejection. 


Undergoing a medical test can help you avail of the best possible insurance coverage. Having robust term insurance coverage to protect your loved ones, you can make sure that your family has enough money to sustain their lifestyle after you and can work towards accomplishing their goals without worrying much about financial instability. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.      

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