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What Type Of Deaths Are Not Covered Under A Term Insurance Policy?

Term insurance plans are an easy and affordable form of insurance. If you are looking for a beneficial savings plan that will keep your future financially secure, a term insurance plan is a great option. Your sudden death can put your family in a compromising situation. To avoid such a situation, you must purchase a term insurance plan as they provide a death benefit on the death of the policyholder if it takes place before the end of the policy term. 

However, there are some types of deaths that are not covered under a term insurance policy. If a nominee tries to claim the death benefit for these reasons, their claims will be rejected.

Types of Deaths Not Covered by a Term Insurance Policy

The following are the types of deaths that are not covered by a term insurance policy:

  1. Death due to suicide or self-inflicted injuries
  2. Death due to pregnancy-related complications and childbirth
  3. Death due to HIV/AIDS
  4. Death due to any pre-existing health conditions not covered by the insurance policy or its riders
  5. Death due to driving under the influence, drugs or alcohol
  6. Death due to drug overdose
  7. Death due to playing adventure or high-risk sports like racing events, skydiving etc
  8. Death due to participation in illegal activities
  9. Death due to natural disasters
  10. Death due to murder

Rider Benefits

Term insurance plans facilitate policyholders to purchase a rider to enhance the protection provided by their base insurance policy. Riders provide benefits, besides the ones given out by the base insurance plan, under special circumstances that they cover. Each rider gives out benefits for specific situations like accidental death, accidental disability or to cover expenses due to critical illnesses, daily hospital costs and more. Therefore, it is always advisable to purchase a rider with a term insurance policy.


Make sure to know what is covered by your term insurance policy and what is not. It is best to avoid activities that are not covered by your insurance policy because it will not only harm you but also put your family through financial trouble.  

Also read 

Does My Term Insurance Plan Cover Death Due to Covid-19?

Accidental Death Cover vs. Term Insurance Plan

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.       

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