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What Is The Role Of Actuary In Life Insurance

When you go looking for insurance policies and purchase them, all you do is pay the premiums. Although the procedure is very straightforward, there is a backstory behind it. Any insurance company's operations are founded on the risks they take and the profits they make. Therefore, in order to assess the risks and rewards the company would receive from each proposal, the companies need strong statistics as well as analytical skills. And it is these actuaries that help in your policies too.

Who is an Actuary?

An expert in the field of analyzing financial risks is an actuary, a professional with a wealth of expertise to carry out many tasks. Actuaries are crucial in the life insurance industry because they evaluate risks that would aid the insurance provider in determining the premium for their policies.

Role of an Actuary in Life Insurance

It is desirable for insurance companies to create such plans that carry the least amount of risk and also produce steady profits. A vital function for actuaries in life insurance. The following points would help to clarify the importance.

Pricing, Designing, and Review of the Product

Actuaries' initial task is to set premiums for various life insurance plans. Pricing for products is what this entails. Actuaries base the premium on a number of assumptions.

The premiums are set at levels that ensure neither the person purchasing the policy feels they are being overcharged nor the insurers experience a loss when the policies are sold. A policy should be created so that it supersedes all applicable local laws and ordinances. Premiums for new plans are calculated using market data that is currently available.

Since the factors change over time and impact the price, the pricing must also be examined from time to time. A policy's pricing must be competitive with other policies in the market and produce sizable profits.

Revising Assumptions

The following categories are used to classify assumptions -

  1. Economic presumptions include those about wage growth, inflation, etc.
  2. Demographic presumptions include those about death rates, the population's gender composition, etc.

Actuaries' primary responsibility is to review these presumptions. Actuaries evaluate the historical liabilities of the policy and the actual liabilities incurred by doing experience analysis. They would subsequently be able to formulate fresh hypotheses due to this investigation.

Experience Analysis and Reporting 

Essentially, this is a past-and-future study. Actuaries examine whether the experience actually matches the assumptions they made in this situation. Then, in order to perform future evaluations more accurately, they also change the actuarial methods and assumptions. Finally, they write a report and explain the findings. Actuaries are also involved in predictive analysis.

Asset-Liability Management (ALM)

Since the misalignment of assets and debts can cause financial instability, ALM is a crucial component of life insurance activities. ALM is the activity of developing business plans to meet financial objectives. Immunization is one of these methods, which keeps tabs on interest rate fluctuations and selects diversified portfolios that will yield adequate returns.

Actuarial Valuation

The estimation of future liabilities is known as actuarial valuation. They keep the cash necessary to pay insured benefits, and they also recommend bonuses at the end of each year. Reserving is also included in the valuation. Reserves are the sum that the business must set aside to cover any obligations in the future.

Profit Testing

Pricing and reserving would be ineffective if the business only accumulated losses. Any corporation that wants to stay in business needs to make a profit. Actuaries make assumptions to calculate future earnings based on anticipated inflows and outflows.


Actuaries are the technical brains behind how life insurance works. One of the oldest and most popular industries for actuaries to work in is life insurance. The significance and function of actuaries are only likely to increase with the extension of actuarial science into data science.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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