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What Is Short Term Insurance And Is It Worth It?

A term plan, which differs from the normal yearly insurance in that it gives a high cover amount, is typically viewed as an investment on behalf of your loved ones. With term insurance, small monthly premiums are paid for a certain time period during which your family or designated beneficiary will be eligible to receive a sizeable quantity of money, also known as insurance cover or sum assured, in the case of an unfortunate incident. To know more about short term insurance, read on.

What Is Exactly Short Term Insurance ?

Health insurance that has a period of 365 days or less is known as short-term insurance. You might be able to extend a short-term insurance or buy another one to provide coverage for a total of 36 months, depending on where you reside.

As the name suggests, short-term health insurance is intended for those who, for whatever reason, have a brief coverage gap in their main medical insurance, such as that provided by Medicare, a state or federal exchange, their workplace, or another source of coverage.

What Are The Types of Short Term Insurance Available?

Following are the types of short term insurance available -

  1. Annual Renewable Term (ART) provides one year of coverage that can be extended yearly with an increase in premium. As a result, over time, it became significantly more expensive than the conventional strategies. Choosing ART can also achieve your goals if you don't want to buy long-term coverage.
  2. One to three months of temporary life insurance are used to cover the interim time it takes an insurer to issue a full-time policy. The original application for the policy and its ultimate effective date typically occur over a long period of time since the application must meet several procedural and documentation criteria.

Are Short Term Insurance Plans Are of Any Importance?

The true sense of accountability comes from devising strategies to protect your loved ones while you are away. You might request a safety net in the shape of temporary solutions during trying circumstances.

Following are some of the reasons that have been highlighted -

  1. If you're planning to travel and you believe it could be a bit hazardous. Then you may get temporary life insurance for yourself.
  2. If you believe your life may be in danger or if you may be exposed to potentially hazardous conditions or occurrences. Then you might get temporary life insurance for the protection of your family.
  3. You might get short-term life insurance if you anticipate making a significant mortgage payment or other debt repayment soon in order to provide financial security for your family in the event that something were to happen to you.
  4. Your Indian long-term life insurance won't offer any protection if you pass away while travelling overseas for whatever reason. You must thus get short-term life insurance, such as trip insurance, to be on the safe side.

Should Someone Only Opt For Short Term Insurance?

The answer is no. Long-term insurance policies cannot be replaced by short-term life insurance plans. They only serve as an additional layer of defence for you. Because most short-term plans only offer limited life coverage, you must have a fundamental life insurance plan for the long term.

This little life insurance definitely won't be enough for your family in the event of your passing. Therefore, it is usually preferable to purchase long-term life insurance policies to guarantee your family has appropriate financial protection.


Simply put, use the term insurance premium calculator to calculate the appropriate level of protection. Within only a few seconds, you may get the exact quote you require to safeguard your family. The sooner you complete the form, the sooner you will learn the amount. After all, safeguarding your loved ones who are what matters most to you in life is what life is all about.

Also Read: Term Insurance Plans For Housewife


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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