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Term Insurance Plans With Maturity Benefits

The term life insurance plans with maturity benefits are slightly different from the traditional life insurance plans. Normally, a traditional term insurance policy does not offer any direct maturity benefits to the policyholder. They only provide death benefits when a policyholder dies within the policy term.

So, if any buyer/policyholder wants to have maturity benefit, he/she can opt for a TROP (Term Return of Premium) plan. A term return of premium plan provides income replacement and refund the premiums at maturity, apart from offering all benefits of a traditional term life insurance plan. A TROP plan is a variant of a pure term insurance plan and ensures maturity benefits if the policyholder survives till the end of the policy tenure.

Benefits of Term Insurance With Maturity Benefit

The term life insurance plans with maturity benefits offer a number of attractive benefits which include:

  • Death Benefits

Term insurance plans offer death benefits to designated nominees. The nominees will receive these death benefits if the life assured dies within the policy tenure.

  • Maturity Benefits

Normally, traditional life insurance policies don’t offer maturity benefits. But term return of premium life insurance policies offer maturity benefits by returning the total amount of premiums paid so far, provided a policy is continued till the end of term.

  • Tax Benefits

A policyholder can enjoy tax benefits over the premiums paid for term life insurance plans with maturity benefits. The premiums paid and the amount received is exempted from income tax assessment under section 80C and 10 (10D) of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961.

Top 5 Term Insurance Plans With Maturity Benefit India

Listed below are some of the term life insurance plans in India that come with maturity benefits.

  • LIC Jeevan Pramukh

This is an Endowment Assurance term life insurance plan offered by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. The plan provides financial protection against death throughout the policy term and provides maturity benefits, provided the policyholder survives till the end of the policy term. The policy would pay the sum assured accompanied by accrued guaranteed additions, vested simple reversionary bonuses and Terminal Bonus( if any) in a lump-sum as maturity benefits.

  • MetLife Suraksha TROP

It is a non-participating term life insurance plan offered by PNB MetLife. The plan not only provides life insurance coverage at nominal cost, but it also offers the total of all premiums paid along with guaranteed additions.

  • Max Life Premium Return Protection Plan

This is a term insurance plan with maturity benefits offered by Max Life Insurance Company. The plan not only protects your family against eventualities, it also returns all your premiums paid at maturity.

  • Aviva iShieldPlan

This is an online non-linked non-participating term life insurance plan offered by Aviva. The plan provides guaranteed survival benefits/ money back benefits at maturity which is 110% of total premiums paid.

  • Tata AIA Life Insurance iRaksha TROP

This is an online term return of premium plan which returns all total premiums paid if the policyholder survives till the end of the policy term.


In order to choose the best life insurance plan with maturity benefits, you need to shop around and do primary research. Then, compare the plans available in the insurance market and pick one based on your requirement. Couples who are looking to purchase an insurance policy have the option of either going in for a single life insurance policy or a joint life insurance policy.

Also Read: 

What Is The Need To Purchase A Term Insurance Plan?

Term Insurance Riders and How They Benefit You

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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