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Should I Buy Term Insurance Plans For My Entire Family?

Family should always come first. Despite the fact that there are no guarantees in life, there are steps that one may take to prevent their family from facing financial hardship in the case of the bread earner’s untimely passing or even a serious sickness. The most basic and straightforward insurance options on the market are term life insurance policies. Customers have a variety of options for term insurance plans on the market to pick from.

What Are Term Insurance Policies?

Living in a developed society gives us access to a wide range of financial choices that enable us to increase our wealth and protect the future of our families. However, one must also keep in mind that there are many unknowns in life. Unlucky events can occur at any time and anywhere. Should something happen to you, it would put your loved ones in a difficult financial situation.

An effective term insurance plan is useful in these circumstances. One of the simplest life insurance policies on the market is a family term insurance policy. It offers your loved ones financial security while you are away. A lump sum death benefit will enable your family to plan for the future and enjoy financial independence.

Why Should You Buy A Term Insurance Policy?

You must buy a term plan as it offers the following benefits - 

  • Covers Unfortunate Events

Accidents do not knock on your door unexpectedly. Risks like receiving a serious illness diagnosis, losing your job, or developing a lifelong handicap might occur as a result of life's uncertainties. Term plans include rider benefits to make sure your loved ones aren't left to fend for themselves. You may get a variety of coverage at a reasonable price to safeguard your finances against a number of unlucky events.

  • Tax Benefits

The family term insurance plan furthermore serves as a tax-saving tool. Section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961 permits a claim for the coverage premiums paid. You are only permitted to claim up to 1.5 lakh rupees in a single financial year. In addition, under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, your beneficiary may claim the death benefit as being exempt from taxes.

  • Peace Of Mind

A term plan for the family might assist you to ensure that your dependents have adequate money to meet their demands. As a result, you can rest easy knowing that in the event of emergencies, your family is well-protected.

  • Financial Backup

With term insurance, you give your loved ones a financial safety net in the event of an accident. The lump sum payoff from term insurance will assist protect your family's future rather than requiring you to rely only on your life savings. You may choose a big sum assured with ease due to the cheap premium cost to make sure your dependents have enough coverage.

Features Of Term Insurance Policy

Term life plans are less expensive than other types of coverage and are crafted to safeguard your family from unforeseen scenarios. Dependents are covered under term life insurance. The promised amount is never invested in any way. Customers can select from a variety of premium payment choices, including critical benefit rider, accidental death benefit, and partial permanent disability. Term insurance products offer greater coverage at a more affordable price.

Many businesses provide term insurance plans with options including flat benefit, growing benefit, and declining benefit.


Most individuals wait to get married, then they wait to have kids until they are the suitable age to get a term plan. However, there is no ideal age for term insurance; rather, the ideal moment is right now. Family term insurance gives you peace of mind and the assurance that your dependents are cared for.

Also read: FD Rules and Regulations In 2022

Understanding The Benefits Of Term Insurance Plan With Health Risks


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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