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How To Claim Under SBI Life Insurance Policy?

The authorized capital of SBI Life stands at Rs.20 billion, while its paid-up capital is recorded at Rs.10 billion. Headquartered in Mumbai, the company was formed in 2001 and although it initially focussed mainly on bancassurance, it has, over time, developed into one of the biggest life insurance companies around.

Steps Included in SBI Life Insurance Policy Claim Process

Company Limited is committed to ensuring that the interests of their policyholders are well protected and that the timelines set by IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority) are met when it comes to processing claims. Following is the claim settlement process associated with SBI Life insurance

1. Intimation of Claim 

An intimation of the claim must be made at any branch of SBI Life along with all the supporting documents as requested in the policy document. 

2. Addressing Requirements 

In case SBI Life Insurance has any requirements or asks you to check the admissibility of the claim, the claimant must ensure that these requirements are met. 

3. Claiming the Amount 

Once you have intimated SBI Life about the claim and met all the requirements, the claims process will be completed much sooner. If at any time during the claims settlement process should you require any assistance, you can contact the company’s officials. 

Going through the detailed description of claims in the policy document will help you experience a seamless claim settlement process. 

How to Claim Insurance with SBI Life Insurance?

Claim insurance value under SBI Life insurance can be done online as well as offline. The steps to claim using both methods are:

Online Claim Process

  • Visit the official website of SBI Life Insurance. 
  • Click on the tab ‘Services for Existing Customers’. 
  • After that click on ‘Claims and Maturity’. 
  • Enter details such as your policy number, date of birth, and type of claim. After that enter the captcha to complete the security process. Click on ‘Submit’. 
  • The insurer will then verify the details submitted by you and if they are found to be correct, your claim application will get approved and the amount will be deposited to your bank account. 

Offline Claim Process

  • Visit the nearest SBI Life Insurance Company branch with all the relevant documents.
  • Then fill out the claim application form and submit it.
  • The insurer will deposit the claim amount to your bank account if all the documents are correct.  

SBI Life Insurance

SBI Life has access to more than 100 million accounts throughout India and offers its products and services to every economic stratum and geographic region in the country. The company is also known for boasting the most productive force so far as insurance agents are concerned, having been tied up with more than 80,000 advisors. 

  • SBI is now among the key players in the market and the products and services offered by the company are versatile so that the insurance needs of a diverse customer base can be satisfied. 
  • SBI Life has grown tremendously – so much so that it has contributed significantly towards transpiring the insurance industry in India. 
  • Since its inception, As a result, thereby SBI has ensured that individuals from all over the country can avail its offerings.  If you are looking for a life insurance policy, rest assured in the knowledge that SBI Life and its experienced and dedicated workforce will help you find one that best suits your specific requirements


Regarding offering insurance, customer care forms an important part of the deal. An efficient customer care team can help elevate the status of an insurer in the eyes of its policyholders. SBI Life, one of India's leading insurance providers, operates by this principle and has set in place a dedicated customer support team that is reachable at all times. The customer care helpline at SBI Life is reachable via multiple channels like phone, email, and SMS. 

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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