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Post Office PPF Calculator - Everything You Must Know!

The Public Provident Fund is an efficient and low-risk investment scheme backed by the government of India. It allows you to contribute a small amount towards your retirement funds through the working years and build a corpus for the future. You can use the amount in your old age and live a financially independent life.

The post office PPF comes with a compulsory lock-in period of 15 years. During these years, you cannot close the PPF account. However, from the seventh year onwards, you can partially withdraw from your accumulated corpus only for specific purposes like critical illness treatment, etc.

Over the years, investment in post office PPF has become a preferred choice for many investors because of its attractive interest rate, and tax benefits. But, how can you know the maturity value of your investment in post office PPF? This is where the Post office PPF calculator comes in handy.

What Is A Post Office PPF Calculator?

PPF calculator is an easy-to-use and handy tool that can help you perform PPF investment-related calculations with ease. Using the post office PPF calculator, you can determine the year-wise returns you can expect to gain from your investment in a PPF account based on the contributions you make. Also, you can know the exact maturity value of the investment.

By doing your calculations, you can be better informed about your investment and make better decisions.

How To Use The Post Office PPF Calculator?

Using the PPF calculator is easy. You need not have any prior experience or technical expertise for it; the tool is self-explanatory. You must enter the following details:

1. PPF tenure

– The minimum investment duration in post office PPF is 15 years. And, the maximum term is 50 years.

2. Frequency of deposit

– When you invest in a post office PPF, you have the flexibility to choose the deposit frequency. You can invest in your PPF account either monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually.

3. Deposit amount

– You can start your investment in PPF with as low as Rs. 100, and deposit a minimum of Rs. 500 in a year. You can choose the deposit amount as per convenience, and it has to be adjusted as per the deposit frequency. For example, if you select the deposit frequency as monthly and you wish to deposit Rs. 1000, you must enter Rs. 12,000 in the calculator.

4. Interest rate

– The post office interest change is subject to change as per the government directives. You can easily check the interest rate online.
Once you enter the above day in the calculator, click on the ‘calculate’ or ‘compute’ button. You will immediately get PPF-related information, including the interest earned, maturity amount, and total PPF investment amount.

The Formula For Calculating The PPF Returns

The formula for calculating the post office PPF returns is as follows:

F = P [({(1+i) ^n}-1)/i]

In the above formula,
F is the PPF maturity value
P is the number of installments you pay annually
I am the interest rate
N is the total investment duration (15 years)

Benefits Of Using Post Office PPF Calculator

It helps you get a fair idea about the interest you can earn from your PPF account investment.
The post office calculator saves a lot of time by doing the calculations manually while calculating the PPF maturity value, the interest earned, the amount invested, etc. Also, it helps avoid the risk of manual errors in calculations.
It helps you know about your overall investments in a financial year.


Thus, a post office PPF calculator is a useful tool that helps you make an informed decision about investing in a public provident fund.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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