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Life Insurance For Working Women

Since the very lang syne , women have always been the financial planner in most households. In the new times, alongside the lads , women too, are stepping out and earning their own living. Like in auld lang syne , there was just one earning member within the family but within the newer generation it's mostly about mutual partnership. Women are now equally a neighborhood of the choice making process and also taking financial decisions of the family.

One of the only and easiest ways of keeping one’s financial future secured is via a term plan. Most of the insurance plans are available to women at lower premiums rates than men during a bid to encourage women participation in financial planning. In this article, we'll mention a couple of key reasons which make it highly imperative for ladies to shop for an insurance plan.

Reasons Why Working Women Should Purchase Term Life Insurance Plan

The importance of term life assurance plans for ladies is as equal to men. This creates a security net for the financial responsibilities and benefits for the family. The reasons why women too can buy insurance plans are listed below:

1. Financial Stability

The main objective of a term plan is to assist women secure the longer term of their family and loved ones in their absence. A term plan provides a benefit just in case of an untimely demise of the life assured to the nominee in order that the financial standing of the family can remain intact even within the time of emotional grief.

2. Women Specific Medical Expenses

There are various medical conditions which are specifically associated with women, the expenses of which are sometimes on the upper end. Term insurance plans offer add-on covers which give for coverage for such health conditions. These financial coverages are really helpful to women in order that they are not facing any financial crisis, especially in their adulthood .

3. Retirement Savings

Often relying on your partner's insurance policy may not ensure enough financial security to the both of you when you hit your retirement age. You might end up spending quite you've got , or have some unforeseen expenditures that take a cut of your funds. In case of such a scenario, an honest life assurance policy provides you with an organized decision to control your finances.

4. Lesser Premiums For Women

Women's term life assurance plans accompany lower premium rates. Women in every household aren't stepping out and dealing . So to facilitate that ladies are offered to pay less monthly premiums. This is one benefit which isn't found in term life assurance plans available to men.

5. Tax Benefits

The premiums paid towards an insurance plan qualify for tax write-off under Section 80C of the tax Act. Moreover, the proceedings of a term plan for working women are tax-free. Thus, these benefits help women plan their taxes in a more efficient manner.


Women are the backbone of every household. Thus, every woman should have a term plan as a neighborhood of their budget in order that they will financially shield their family even in their absence. Besides offering peace of mind, these term plans also enable people to save lots of their taxes by enjoying various incentives available under the tax Act, 1961.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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