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Factors That Affect Your Premium Calculation

A life insurance plan provides financial aid to the family of the life assured after his untimely demise. This acts as an alternative way of income for the family of the deceased in his/her absence. Thus, it becomes imperative for all individuals to have at least a life insurance plan to keep their loved ones financially afloat in case of an unfortunate event. In this article, we have listed the tips using which you can save money on the premium of your life insurance plan.

5 Factors That Affect Your Life Insurance Premiums

There are a lot of factors that affect the term life insurance policy's premium. Below are discussed few factors that the purchaser should know:

  1. Purchasing An Insurance At A Higher Age

It is always advisable to buy a premium at a younger age. Just when you start earning that is when you should buy a policy and start investing. The lower the age the lower the Premium and the premium keeps increasing with the increase in age. Hence, it is preferable to buy a policy at a younger age to avoid paying high premiums.

  • Not Being Smart Enough While Choosing the Life Insurance Plan

Choosing the policy term plays a vital role in terms of paying less premium. Hence you should be careful while choosing the policy terms. The longer the term of your policy the lesser the amount of your premium gets. For instance, if you are salaried, then you should choose a policy that gives you coverage till 50 to 60 years of age. This helps you in getting covered through all the liabilities very easily and smoothly.

  • Leading An Unhealthy Life

Nowadays the policies are giving more and more attention to the purchaser's health benefits. Hence it is advisable to lead a healthy life to pay less premiums. Health issues like high blood pressure and hypertension can increase the amount of premium that you have to pay. Therefore, it is advisable to lead a healthy life to avoid paying a high premium.

  • Not Comparing Policies Before Buying And Not Paying Your Premiums On Time

It is always advisable to buy a policy only after comparing it with other policies. Never get influenced by any friend or relative. Everybody had different needs. It would help if you always bought a policy that gives you maximum coverage at the lowest possible premium. Also one must always pay their premiums on time because if they get late they will be charged an extra fee and hence that will increase the premium.

  • Not Buying A Life Insurance Policy Online

It is often advised to buy a policy online. This is so because buying a policy online is cheaper than buying one offline. Moreover, when you buy a policy online there is no third-party interference between the purchaser and the policy. Hence it is always advisable to buy a policy online to avoid paying high premiums.


The premiums for a life insurance plan can be very easily reduced to a very low amount just by keeping a few things in mind. The main reason people opt for life insurance plans is because of their low premiums. This article clearly states the factor that can heavily affect your premium and your premium can increase up to a level that you wouldn't expect it to.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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