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Know How To File LIC Life Insurance Claim

Life insurance provides financial security for the family members even if the policy buyer dies during the policy term. In the unfortunate event of the death of a Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) policyholder, his/her nominee can file a death insurance claim for the assured amount with LIC.

Important Documents Required For Filing A Death Insurance Claim With LIC

On receipt of intimation of death of the Life assured, LIC branch calls for the following requirements:

1. Duly filled out Form 3783 and Form 3801 (issued from the branch official)
2. NEFT forms of nominees’ bank accounts
3. Original death certificate of the policyholder
4. Original policy bond
5. Nominee’s PAN card
6. Copy of nominees’ valid identity proof such as Aadhaar card, Voter ID card, driving license, passport, etc.
7. Valid ID proof of the deceased policyholder
8. Signature of the policyholder's insurance agent or the development officer on the death claim form.
9. After you have all the required documents handy with you, you need to approach the home branch from where the policy was issued and follow the steps mentioned below to file a death insurance claim with LIC.

Steps To Filing A Death Insurance Claim With LIC

STEP 1: Visit the home branch of LIC where the policy was issued and inform them about the death of the policyholder.

STEP 2: Fill in Form 3783, Form 3801, (issued by the branch official), and NEFT forms for the transfer of funds into the nominee's bank account.

STEP 3: Submit the duly filled forms along with the above-mentioned important documents. All the documents need to be self-attested by the nominee.

STEP 4: Along with the documents, also attach an intimation letter which acts as a covering letter mentioning the date of death of the policyholder, place of death, and cause of death.

STEP 5: Next, along with the NEFT forms, submit a canceled cheque leaf and a copy of the bank passbook containing printed details of the name of the bank account holder, account number, and IFSC code.

STEP 6: At the time of the final submission of forms along with other documents, a nominee should produce all the original documents for the same.

STEP 7: A LIC officer will verify all your documents. Upon successful verification, the official will initiate the process of the death claim.

STEP 8: Lastly, the LIC branch will issue an acknowledgment receipt. A nominee should keep it safe for future reference.


If no errors are found during the process, the final settlement amount is credited into the nominees’ account within one month.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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