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Is Life Insurance Better Or ELSS?

The greatest tax-advantaged mutual funds are Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS). The diversified equity mutual funds category includes ELSS mutual funds. ELSSs have reasonable expenses, simple returns, and are open about how they work and what they invest in. Charges for life insurance (mortality charges), administration expenditures, and fund management fees are deducted from the premium paid by the insurer.

In contrast, Life insurance plans are simple plans wherein for a specific length of time, the policyholder must pay a premium. The premium you pay assists the insurance provider in meeting the family's financial needs in case of an unfortunate demise of the life assured. In exchange for the premium paid, insurance provides risk coverage to the insured family in the form of monetary compensation. In this article, we have compared both schemes for your better understanding.

Life Insurance vs ELSS: A Detailed Comparison

Following is the difference between the two:

  • Based On Tax Saving

ELSS funds outperform other allowed assets for deduction under section 80C of the Internal Revenue Code because they offer equity returns, low costs, transparency, and the shortest lock-in time of any of the allowable investments. If you require insurance, however, a term plan should be considered. 

Whole life insurance premiums are tax-deductible, purchasing life insurance solely to save money on taxes is not recommended. ELSS is a better option to save money in this case.

  • Based On Returns

Since these funds invest largely in equities, you will almost always outperform the market. According to market experts, ELSS funds can provide returns that are twice or more than a traditional savings plan.

Life Insurance on the other hand is a low-risk saving option that will ensure you a fixed sum assured.

  • Risk Profile

When compared to a traditional alternative like Insurance plans, ELSS funds invest in stocks, which exposes them to higher risk.

ELSS, which has a market-linked return. In a medium to the long-term investing horizon, ELSS has the potential to generate significantly more wealth.

If you are looking for a risk-free option as your financial backup, it is suggested that you go for life insurance plans.

  • Lock- In Period

ELSS funds have one of the shortest lock-in periods among tax-saving options, with a three-year lock-in duration. 

There are times when people buy insurance policies without doing their homework and then discover they are displeased with them. In such cases, some insurance firms offer a lock-in period, which is a limited period of time, usually 15 days, during which a policyholder can return the policy to the insurer and purchase another if they are unhappy with the first.


As mentioned in the above article,  ELSS funds may be a good option if you wish to invest in equities while simultaneously getting tax benefits. Life Insurance policies, which are simple low-risk plans that provide maximum security benefit to the beneficiaries of the life assured in the event of the policyholder's untimely death, provide a comparable service.

After learning about all of the many components of both of these plans, the preceding article will help you come to a better judgement.

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Which Are The Best Term Insurance Plans In India?

Factors To Consider While Buying Life Insurance Policy

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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