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How Will Investing In PPF Benefit Me?

A Public Provident Fund, or PPF, account is more than just an investment vehicle that allows you to reduce your income tax liability on your investment and its earnings. The Ministry of Communications manages the Public Provident Fund (PPF), which is a government-backed small savings scheme. This investment option is popular since it provides a tax benefit and only a small initial expenditure. This strategy, according to experts, might be used for recurring deposits.

PPF is one of the safest fixed-income investments. Because of the constant rate of return and predictability of PPF earnings, it is an excellent choice for conservative investors. Financial experts advise investing in PPF since the maturity amount and overall income collected during the investment period are tax-free.

Benefits of Investing In PPF( Public Provident Fund)

Stated below are the benefits you can avail by investing in PPF:

1. Option of Loan Against The Policy

By investing in PPF, policyholders have the option of borrowing money from their PPF account at a reasonable rate of interest. From the third to the sixth year after account opening, the loan benefit is available. It is particularly advantageous for investors who want to apply for short-term loans without pledging any collateral.

2. Partial Withdrawal

The PPF is a 15-year locked-in investment plan. Partial withdrawals, on the other hand, are permitted beginning in the fifth financial year following the account's opening.

In case of an emergency, this feature will come in handy to a policyholder.

3. Risk Free Option

PPF investments are completely risk-free because they are backed by the government and are not related to stock market fluctuations. In the event of a bank failure, a person's PPF balance is fully protected. 

4. Account Extension Option

The maturity period for a PPF account is 15 years. However, the 'PPF Account Extension Form' can be used to extend your PPF account in five-year increments. You can repeat this as many times as you like. This provides a sense of flexibility to the policyholder.

5. Investment Flexibility

You can invest in monthly instalments by tying it to your Savings Bank account, or you can invest in different amounts during the year. Monthly, half-yearly, quarterly, or annual payments are available. This makes budgeting easy. Instalments of any amount up to Rs 1.5 lakh per year are allowed under this scheme.

6. Stable Returns

PPF possesses sovereign status since it is a government-backed savings system, making it a very safe investment.PPF interest rates are linked to government-securities rates and are set by the government every quarter. As a result, you can assess the potential returns on your investment.

7. Premature Closure

Your PPF account might be closed early if certain conditions are met. You will receive 1% less interest than the current rate if you close your account early. The first and most important requirement is that your PPF account has been open for at least five years.


As mentioned in the above article, the Public Provident Fund is one of the most popular retirement savings vehicles among the working class (PPF). The long-term investment horizon and the magic of compounding may be the key reasons for its appeal, in addition to the income tax exemption accorded to it. Investing in the PPF plan offers policyholders a number of advantages. It's a well-thought-out strategy that considers every facet of an investment.

Also read - Is ELSS Better Or PPF?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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