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How Much Term Insurance Cover Do I Need?

A term insurance policy is not only a savings option but also provides insurance cover to its policyholders. It is important to determine what will be a sufficient term insurance cover for you and your family in order for your insurance policy to be truly useful. There are several factors that determine the amount of cover you require.

Factors that Determine Term Insurance Cover

The following are some of the crucial factors that will help you determine how much term insurance cover you will need.

1. Policyholder’s Income

Your term insurance policy must provide in place of your income during retirement or for your family in case of your sudden death. If you are sure of an increase in your income in the future, you can take that into consideration. However, it is mostly advisable to take into account your current income. If you are calculating your retirement corpus, take into account, the years left till your retirement.

2. Lifestyle Choices and Expensesa

The term insurance policy cover must be sufficient so that you or your beneficiaries do not have to compromise on your lifestyle habits. This is why you must calculate your regular expenses and take them into account for calculating your term insurance cover. Note your current income and savings to calculate your regular expenses.

3. Outstanding Debts and Loans

It is important to deal with your debts and loans with the help of your term insurance plan. They are very helpful in sorting out such components in your life even when you do not have an active income source. Moreover, your term insurance cover will also help your family pay off your debts and loans in case of your sudden demise. 

4. Financial Goals in Life

A term insurance policy that will help you meet your goals in life is the most advantageous. Whether they are short-term or long-term, make sure your goals are financially well supported. This not only goes for personal goals but also such responsibilities as your children's education. Your term insurance plan will help you save enough to meet those goals if you calculate your cover right.


It is important to take the above factors and any other financial obligations that you might have into consideration while you calculate your term insurance cover. A term insurance policy is a great opportunity for saving up for your future, with your current earnings. You must make the best use of such a purchase and let it support you as well as your family. This way, you will be able to use your savings and your earnings to the fullest.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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