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How Can I Calculate My LIC Term Insurance Premium?

The state-owned life insurance firm Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is India's largest life insurance company. LIC continues to have a strong position in the life insurance market, despite the advent of other corporations. The company offers a diverse product line that includes a variety of insurance packages. Term insurance plans, endowment plans, retirement plans, child plans, whole life plans, and other types of policies are available from the company.

LIC's term insurance policies offer comprehensive coverage at very reasonable premium prices. Customers can thus put in a large sum assured without having to worry about paying exorbitant premium rates. Furthermore, an online premium calculator is available to assist individuals in calculating the rates for the company's term insurance products. Let's look at what a premium calculator is and how it functions. 

What is a LIC Term Insurance Premium Calculator?

The LIC term insurance premium calculator is an online tool that allows people to figure out how much premium they'll have to pay for the policy they want to purchase. Individuals must enter pertinent information into the calculator, which then estimates premiums based on the information supplied. Policy buyers can use premium calculators to estimate the cost of insurance without contacting the insurer. Moreover, policy buyers can compare the costs of numerous policies at the same time during the research process and choose the best one that matches their needs.

How Can You Calculate Your LIC Term Insurance Premium?

The following are the step-by-step instructions for using LIC's term insurance premium calculator.

  • You can visit the LIC's official website.
  • To find a list of active LIC plans, go to the top of the page and click on "products," then "insurance plan."
  • The button labelled "calculator" can be found on the left side of the page that lists the available products.
  • You can access the premium calculator page by clicking on it.
  • Enter your basic information on the premium calculation page, such as your name, age, gender, desired policy, sum assured amount, policy term, smoking habits, and so on.
  • When you enter all of these facts, you'll be able to calculate how much you'll have to pay each year to obtain LIC's term insurance cover.
    You can contact the company directly and apply for coverage if the insurance premium price is acceptable.

Why Should You Use a LIC Term Insurance Premium Calculator?

The following are some of the primary benefits of using LIC's term insurance premium calculator.

  • Easy to Use - The calculator is simple to operate. The exact amount of the premium for a term insurance plan can be computed by providing a few simple pieces of information
  • Cost-Effective - Premium calculators on company websites can help businesses save a lot of money. Premium calculators eliminate the need for middlemen and help you save money on commissions. Customers benefit from these cost reductions since they are passed on to them in the form of lower prices.
  • Saves Time - Premium calculators can help customers save a lot of time and work. They can find the price on their own and apply only if they decide to proceed with the purchase rather than applying to every company for a price quote. It also eliminates the need for them to contact an agent when purchasing insurance.
  • Easy Comparison - Policy buyers can easily compare different items available on the market using premium calculators. They can choose the correct product that fits within their annual budget by learning the pricing of numerous products.


In the life insurance industry, LIC has the largest customer base. The company's products are adaptable in terms of the sum assured and other coverage possibilities. Aside from the online term plan, all other term plans must be acquired in person at a corporate branch office. You can contact the firm and obtain life insurance coverage once you have determined the cost of a policy using the premium calculator.

Also read:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Term Insurance in India

Why Should You Consider Buying Term Insurance for Family

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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