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Here is How You Can Check the Details of Your Existing Term Insurance Plans

A term insurance policy acts as a wall to provide financial security to your loved ones after your demise. That is why it is advisable to purchase a suitable policy after thoroughly assessing your current needs and family's lifestyle and future goals. The assessment helps estimate the fair value of the coverage and sum assured, which can be bought at affordable prices after comparing different policies sold by various insurance providers. 

However, the policyholder's responsibility does not end here. Regular premium payments have to be made to avoid policy termination. Moreover, the changes regarding nominee appointment, policy renewal etc., should be communicated with the insurance provider in due time to avoid any confusion, or worse, policy termination. The following article focuses on providing you with some information on whom you should contact to check the details for maintaining your term insurance policy. 

How Can You Check Your Term Insurance Policy Status?

The ways mentioned below can be used to check the details and status of your life insurance policy.

1. Customer Care

Companies provide customer care services to assist and advise their consumers about product or service usage, optimization and troubleshooting. Efficient customer care services can help retain the company’s customers and grow the business. You can contact the customer care of your insurance provider to learn about the current status of your term insurance policy. The executive will ask for the policy number to provide you with all the details.

2. Online 

Through online websites and portals, you can easily register yourself for the first time. After this, the policy status can be checked quickly on the logged-in website, even daily. Moreover, through net banking, credit card, and debit card services, you can pay the premium instalments through the website for your convenience. 

3. Branch

The conventional method of going to the branch to check details about your current term insurance policy status is also available. The policy number can be given to obtain all the information about your plan. 

4. Mobile Phones

Through some clicks on your smartphone, you can get all the information about the policy status in minutes, no matter where you are in the world. An SMS from the registered number can be sent to the insurance provider, who will further send all the details to your phone. 

Take Away

The above-mentioned methods will help you check the policy status from time to time and ensure regular maintenance of your term insurance policy to avoid it from lapsing. 

Also Read: Term Insurance Tax Benefit | Tax Benefits of Term Plan

Why Should You Buy a Term Insurance Plan Online?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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