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Features of Term With Return of Premium (TROP) Plans

When you buy life insurance, you want to know how much it will cost you in the long term. This is where the concept of return of premium comes in. Insurance companies use several different strategies to calculate and manage their return on investment (ROI). One of these strategies is known as term return-on-premium (TROP). 

Return of Premium (TROP) is the difference between the amount you pay for life insurance and the price at which the policy is sold. A well-written life insurance policy will typically have a TROP of 0%. 

Features of TROP

Term With Return of Premium (TROP) Plans to pay you the difference between the amount that a policyholder is paid upon termination of the policy and the initial premium. TROP is important to know because it can tell you how much you are paying for your insurance each month. The higher your TROP, the more you are paying for your insurance each month. The lower your TROP, the more you are getting for each dollar spent on premiums.

When calculating TROP, an insurer typically discounts the premium rates it charges and then uses that money to provide the full death benefit in the event of a claim. This is done to spread its costs over more claims, but it also provides an incentive for policyholders to either pay off the full amount of claims they can or to replace their coverage with another policy that has lower premiums (and often higher death benefits).

The higher your TROP, the more you are paying for your insurance each month. The lower your TROP, the more you are getting for each dollar spent on premiums.

How TROPs Work?

Let’s understand the working of TROPs with the help of an example - 

For example, if a policyholder purchases a policy with a face value of Rs. 100,000 and dies 20 years later, his TROP will be zero. This means that he'll get back the full Rs. 100,000 from the insurer. If, on the other hand, a person purchases a policy with a face value of Rs. 100,000 and dies at age 100, his TROP will be $80,000. In other words, the policyholder gets a return of Rs. 20,000 on his investment.

The primary goal of this approach is to eliminate any TROP, which is currently as high as 80% of the full death benefit, without reducing the overall value of the policy. 

A second approach that some companies have taken is to increase the death benefit in policies with low TROP and then discount those benefits to make them more affordable for the average consumer. 

However, even those companies that have gone down this path have found it difficult to maintain their return on investment, so in the end, most of them returned to their original method of discounting the premium rates, thereby exposing their customers to higher costs.

When calculating TROP, you must consider all of the costs involved in obtaining insurance, including the initial premium, any additional premiums paid during the term of coverage, and the cost of any optional rider features. On top of this, you should take into account all costs involved in cancelling or terminating coverage.

TROP can also be used as an indicator of how well-insurance companies are managing their costs. If they are losing money on each policy sold by TROP, then their overall profitability is in jeopardy. 


The more a person pays each year in premiums, the lower their chances of having a claim paid by their provider. TROP, which is calculated by subtracting a policyholder’s initial premium from the amount paid out on claims during the policy period, is the best indication of a policyholder’s chances of having a claim paid. 

Also Read: 

What Is A Life Insurance Plan With Rs. 5 Lakh Cover?

Comprehensive Guide to Life Insurance Inclusions


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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