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Can I Get Term Insurance Without A Medical Test?

There are various insurance companies in India which supply term life assurance without a medical check-up plan. Eventually, it depends upon the individual's age and therefore the cover you're looking forward to, which decides whether you would like to undergo a medical screening or not. However, it's to be noted, that just in case you've got any pre-existing ailment or any kind of chronic ailment possibly you'd have to undergo a medical screening without fail.

Below may be a list of a couple of insurance plans that you simply can buy without a medical test.

Term Insurance Plans Without A Medical Test

Listed below are a number of the term plans that you simply might want to get with none medical tests:

Insurance Company

Name of the Policy

Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR - FY20)

HDFC India

HDFC Click 2 Protect Plus Plan



ICICI Pru iCare Term Plan


PNB India

MetaLife Term Insurance Plans


LIC India

LIC Tech Term Plan


Future India

Future Generali Smart Life


1. HDFC Click 2 Protect Plus Plan

It gives a serious advantage wherein you'll enhance the protection of the plan under certain specified milestones, sort of a marriage, or a toddler birth, etc. And without undergoing any medical test to reinforce the coverage.

2. ICICI Pru iCare Term Plan

It precedes with a pocket friendly term premium. Besides, you've got the alternatives of both single pay and regular pay. The ICICI Pru iCare Term Plan doesn't require any medical test.

3. MetaLife Term Insurance Plan

Under the MetLife insurance Plan The applicants within certain plans upto a particular limit one needn't undergo any kind of medical screening.

4. LIC Tech Term Plan

You can enjoy the LIC Tech Term Plan wherein you are not to undergo any medical check up subject to meeting the required conditions within the policy document.

5. Future Generali Smart Life

It is one among its kind wherein the nominee ideally receives the sum assured when the insured passes away during the policy tenure. Upto an age of 45 approximately and upto a specified sum assured, any medical screening isn't required.

Take Away

It is advisable once you buy an insurance plan without a medical test, invest time to try to do the research, and compare different insurance offered by various insurance providers. Also, you ought to read the fine print of the policy before making the ultimate decision specifically once you are buying term life assurance with no medical test.

You may also like to read - Common Facts About Term Insurance You Must Know

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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