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Best Mutual Funds to Invest

Deciding to start investing is one of the best financial decisions you can make to build an excellent corpus. So, to help you choose the best option for yourself, the article elaborates on some of the best mutual funds opportunities that can be grabbed to make money. 

Best Mutual Funds to Invest

Here is the list of best mutual funds for your convenience. 

  • SBI Small Cap Fund

SBI Small Cap Fund intends to provide investors with long-term capital growth possibilities by investing primarily in a well-diversified portfolio of small-cap equity firms. Small-cap equities account for the majority of the fund's holdings (at least 65 per cent). SBI Small Cap Fund can invest up to 35% of its assets in other equities (including large and mid-cap firms) as well as debt and money market instruments. The fund will use a bottom-up investment method for stock selection and will invest in a mix of growth and value stocks.

  • SBI Equity Hybrid Fund

SBI Equity Hybrid Fund invests in a mix of debt and equity to give investors with long-term capital appreciation and the liquidity of an open-ended scheme. The fund invests in a broad portfolio of high-growth stocks and hedges its risk by putting the remainder of its assets in fixed-income securities. The SBI Equities Hybrid Fund invests at least 65 per cent of its assets in equity and equity-related securities. At any one time, the fund will devote 20-35 per cent of its assets to debt and money market instruments.

  • Axis Bluechip Fund

It is an open-ended equity fund that mostly invests in large-cap stocks.The aim of the fund is to get long-term capital appreciation by investing in a variety portfolio that consists primarily of large-cap stock and equity-related securities, as well as derivatives. However, there is no guarantee that the Scheme's investment objective will be met. Moreover, blue chip mutual funds are mostly invested in significant corporations because these company equities have a proven track record, business models, and are capable of delivering long-term consistent returns, they are traded often and are thus liquid and less volatile.

  • Axis Mid Cap Fund

It is an open-ended equity fund that mostly invests in mid-cap stocks. It strives to produce long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in Mid Cap stock and equity-related products. The mid cap mutual fund mostly invests in mid-sized firms due to the possibility of quicker profit growth, and has the ability to offer superior returns. However, because these are developing enterprises, it is essential to be careful about their business and growth prospects, and so they are risky.

  • Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund

It is an open-ended equity fund that mostly invests in large-cap stocks. It attempts to blend the stability of large caps with a small number of high conviction midcap concepts (upto a max of 20 percent). The plan aims to find companies with a long-term competitive advantage, such as equities with significant pricing power and sector leadership. Moreover, the investing strategy focuses on purchasing high-quality firms at a fair price and retaining them for an extended period of time.

Take Away

It is always advised to select a plan that is appropriate for your investing purpose, risk profile and time horizon. Moreover, it would be best to seek the advice of a mutual fund advisor if you don't understand the basic ideas or are completely new to mutual funds and investing. 

Also read 

How To Plan Your Retirement With Mutual Funds?

Child Plans or Mutual Funds, Which is Better?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.        

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