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Are Term Insurance Premium Rates Increasing?

Term life insurance is always a good idea to protect your loved ones when you pass away. Term life insurance is a must-have for everyone, despite the rising costs. Premiums are rising, but that should not discourage you from getting financial protection for your family.

Indian insurers raised term insurance premiums by roughly 3% at the start of the financial year 2021. It is anticipated to increase even higher, reaching 15% to 20%. The existing epidemic scenario in India is to blame for this abrupt rise.

After the devastating effects of COVID-19's second wave, mortality rates in the country have reached an all-time high. It has become the principal cause of the rate increase.Almost all of the major corporations have contributed to this increase. The rest of them are anticipated to follow suit by the end of the year or early next year. The rise would be the same for all companies, but the premium rates would vary. This is the second time in recent months that term insurance premiums have risen.

Reasons For The Rise In The Rates of Term Insurance Premium

Before you buy, make sure you're aware of the new premium rates. This will allow you to arrange your finances more effectively. Furthermore, proactive premium planning will have an impact on estimating your future spending.

  • Competition Between Insurance Companies

One significant factor contributing to this situation is the fierce competition among insurance firms over premium prices. In the country, there are a slew of insurance firms that offer financial services. Each of them offers a variety of term insurance policies with varied premium rates that fluctuate with market conditions.

Companies have decided to change their pricing approach as a result of the aggressive competitive prices of term insurance premiums. India has one of the world's lowest premium rates, thus this price increase was long overdue.

  • Recurring Waves of The Covid- 19

The main reason is the COVID-19's unexpected second wave. The significant number of deaths in such a short period of time forced insurance firms to alter their term life insurance premium rates.The prices of term life insurance products have been affected by the rise in death rates. Insurers' numbers began to dwindle in the scenario, and they suffered losses. To stay afloat in the market, they increased premium rates.The higher rates supplied by reinsurance companies are the second major reason for such high charges. It is common knowledge that all insurance firms get their plans reinsured in order to reduce the chance of future losses.

  • Increased Prices By Reinsurance Businesses

Reinsurance businesses' premium rates had already risen as of previous year (2020). Initially, insurers had to withstand these increases while suffering significant losses on their term life insurance contracts. Insurers were expected to modify their premium rates in the new financial year, and they did so immediately.


Until date, almost every insurance business has contributed to the rate increase. This has caused a slew of issues for consumers who are struggling to acclimatise to the increased prices. This requires us to investigate the true causes of the surge. The insurers get to a position where they wish to boost premium prices after extensive research and market analysis, well aware that this will pose problems for people purchasing term insurance.

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Exploring Different Types Of Term Insurance Plans And Their Benefits

Should You Buy Life Insurance Or Term Insurance Policy?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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