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All About HDFC Click 2 Protect Corona Kavach

HDFC Click 2 Protect Corona Kavach is a non-linked, non-participating life insurance plan specifically designed to protect the individuals from the ill effects deriving from COVID-19. The plan is distinctive among other life insurance plans because it provides multiple life protection related benefits and various health expenses related benefits. Some of the key features of the plan which HDFC Click 2 Protect Corona Kavach stands out among its counterparts in market are mentioned below:

Features of HDFC Click 2 Protect Corona Kavach

Below- mentioned are some of the best features of the  HDFC Click 2 Protect Corona Kavach:

  • Policy Variants

HDFC Click 2 Protect Corona Kavach features 2 different plan variants namely protection and health. The protection variant of the plan deals with providing financial protection to you and your family at an affordable cost. Health variant of the plan deals with health related expenses which incurs during the treatment of COVID-19. 

  • Plan Options

The plan comes with a whopping 9 options under the protection variant of the plan to protect your family financially in your absence. The names of the plan options are Life Option, 3D Life Option, Extra Life Option, Income Option, Extra Life Income Option, Income Replacement Option, Return of Premium Option,  Life Long Protection Option and 3D Life LongProtection Option.

  •  Life Stage Protection

Under this feature of  HDFC Click 2 Protect Corona Kavach, you have the option to increase the base Sum Assured without any additional underwriting on 1st marriage, Birth of 1st child and, Birth of 2nd child. 

  • Family Floater Option

The plan can be turned into a family floater option where your family will be financially covered from the expenses incurred by COVID-19. 

  • COVID Hospitalization Cover

The insurance company pays for the medical expenses for hospitalisation during the policy term for treatment of COVID including treatment of any Co-Morbidity illness up to the Sum Insured for room rent, ICU expenses, specialists fees, hospital tools charges and charges for ambulance services in relation to COVID-19 hospitalisation. 

  • Home Care Treatment Expenses

The company pays for the medical expenses for treatment of COVID availed at home for maximum up to 14 days per incident. The expenses include diagnostic tests charges, medicines, consultation charges, nursing charges, cost of pulse oximeter, oxygen cylinder and nebulizer and medical procedures. 

  • AYUSH Treatment

The Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) has been known to be an inpatient care treatment for COVID on Positive diagnosis of COVID test in a government authorized diagnostic centre. The expenses incurred in AYUSH treatment are paid by the insurance company in relation to COVID-19 treatment. 

  • Pre- hospitalisation and post- hospitalisation

The company pays for the pre- hospitalisation expenses of 15 days prior to the date of admissible hospitalisation and post- hospitalisation charges for a fixed period of 30days from the date of discharge from the hospital. 

  • Hospital Daily Cash

This is an option cover where the insurance company pays 0.5% of sum insured per day for each 24 hours of continuous hospitalization for which the Company has accepted a claim. 

  • Tax Benefits

You may be entitled to prevailing tax benefits, consulting your tax advisor is a suitable option. 

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How To Register For HDFC Life Insurance Account?

HDFC Life Premium Payment Online and Offline

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.            

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