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5 Important Tips For Life Insurance Policy Buyers

Looking at the number of life insurance companies and their products, the options are just endless. The insurance industry is flooded with life insurance quotes, term insurance plans, child plans, online life insurance, and similar options. Buying Life Insurance has become a matter of only a few clicks. While it’s always good to have a variety to choose from, the abundance of options might as well confuse and hinder you from buying the best insurance policy. The financial future of your family in any uncertain situation depends highly on this crucial decision of yours. So, to take it wisely here are a few things you must know before you buy a life insurance policy.

5 Things You Need To Keep In Mind Before Buying Life Insurance Policy

Following are 5 important tips that you should always keep in mind: 

1. Life Insurance Is Not An Investment Tool

Don’t mix your investment with insurance – one of the crucial financial lessons many people are unaware of. Life insurance gives you coverage in unfortunate incidents. On the other hand, investment makes your money grow and multiply. If you use life insurance for investment purposes, your investment expectation can never be fulfilled. Both - Insurance and investment are a vital part of a sound financial plan, but both should be handled separately. Still, if you wish to invest your money through insurance, ULIPs make a good option.

2. Coverage You Need

Assess the coverage required before choosing a life insurance policy. Consider the inflation to finalize the coverage amount your family will need in the future. Also, consider your future financial goals – pay off home loans, children’s education, marriage expenses, medical expenditure, emergency fund, EMIs, etc. All these factors will help you decide the right coverage amount.

3. Premium Frequency

The next step is deciding how often you can pay a premium. Almost all life insurance companies offer a range of payment methods for premiums– pay the entire amount in lump sum, pay at regular intervals – monthly, quarterly, yearly. Choose what is most convenient for you.

4. Life Insurance Riders

Even if there are thousands of policies available, there is no one-size-fits-all. The needs of insurance buyers vary. However, the good things are add-ons, known as riders, can be availed on any policy to customize it for your needs. You can avail riders for different purposes, like critical illness, death accident, income benefits, etc. Choose them wisely as you are charged for every additional service. It is wise to ask them before you purchase a policy.

5. Compare Policy

Once you have assessed all the points mentioned above, it is time to decide where to buy life insurance. Compare different policies by different companies. You can also compare online life insurance, offered by every company. Get as much information as you can about the policy. Once you have done your homework, choose the best option for your family.


When you are getting insured, you must disclose the complete, true information regarding every matter of insurance. Being an insurer, your liability can get legally canceled in case a fact is omitted, hidden or manipulated.

Also read - Why Buying Life Insurance At A Young Age Is A Great Decision?

2 Key Things To Be Careful About Before Buying Life Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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