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ICICI Prudential iProtect Smart Term Insurance Eligibility

12 reviews Rate This
Claim Settlement Ratio97.90%
Customer Care10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Death Benefit Paid For11,212 Policies
Presence514 Branches
Total Death Benefit Paid1,023.64 Crore

iProtect Smart Plan comes with the following features:

1. Plan Options: iProtect Smart Plan comes with four plan options namely Life, Life Plus, Life and Health, and All-in-one. You get death/terminal illness benefit (includes AIDS) and waiver of premium on disability in all the four protection options. Whereas accidental death benefit is an optional benefit that can be availed in Life Plus and All-in-One options and critical illness benefit (up to Rs. 1 crore) can be included in Life and Health and All-in-One plan options.

2. Flexible Payout Options: iProtect Smart plan comes with four flexible payout options. These are lump sum, monthly income, increasing income, and lump sum plus income. Lump-sum is the most preferred option online, monthly income is the most economic of all, increasing income is monthly income that increases every year, and lump sum plus income is the insurer’s new payout option.

3. Policy Term: Under ICICI Pru iProtect Smart plan, the maximum policy term is up to 85 years. Note that you can also avail yourself of the option to get whole life cover till age of 99 years.

ICICI Pru iProtect Smart Eligibility Criteria

Tabulated below is the eligibility criteria for iProtect Smart Plan:

Premium Payment Options

Premium Payment Options

Premium Payment Term

Minimum/Maximum Policy Term

Minimum/Maximum Age at Entry

Single pay


5 years/20 years


Regular pay

Equal to policy term

5 years/85 years less entry age


Whole Life (99 years less entry age)

Limited Pay

5,7, PT-5 years

10 years/85 years less entry age


10 years

15 years/85 years less entry age

Whole Life (99 years less age at entry)

60 years less age at entry

PPT+5 years or 85 years less entry age


Whole Life (99 years less entry age)

Minimum Premium

INR 2,400 p.a. Which does not include service tax and cesses, for Life Option

Accidental Death Benefit

Minimum: INR 1,00,000 (term would be equal to policy term or 80-Age at entry, whichever is lower).

Maximum: As per the company policy

Critical Illness Benefit (CI)

Minimum: INR 1,00,000 (term will be equal to policy term or 30 or entry age as 75 years, whichever is lower)

Maximum: As per the company’s policy

Minimum Sum Assured

Subject to the minimum premium

Maximum Sum Assured

Unlimited - Subject to board approved underwriting policy

Mode of Premium Payment

Single, Yearly, Half-Yearly and Monthly

Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • COVID-19 related claims
  • Cover against 34 critical illnesses (optional)
  • Permanent disability benefit
  • Accidental death benefit (optional)
  • Death and terminal illness cover

What's Not Included

  • Self-inflicted injury, suicide, insanity
  • Participation in any illegal or criminal act with criminal intent
  • Use of intoxicating drugs, alcohol, solvent, etc.
  • Treatment for injuries caused due to hunting, mountaineering, etc.
  • Treatment of donor for the replacement of an organ

ICICI Prudential iProtect Smart Plan Brochure

  • 1.37 MB
  • PDF Document
  • Jun 22, 2021

iProtect Smart Plan Reviews

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  • Happy with ICICI Prudential

    It can be a pain to renew your life insurance. I found InsuranceDekho to be very helpful. They helped me get quotes from many insurance companies (PNB Metlife, LIC, etc.) and choose the best policy for my life insurance. I bought ICICI Prudential life insurance and am happy with the services. Thanks, team.

    By Shail Arora
    On: Jun 07, 2024
  • Guaranteed Renewability

    I was happy to see that InsuranceDekho's ICICI Prudential Term Insurance- iProtect Smart Plan came with guaranteed renewability, which means I can renew my coverage at the end of the term without the need for a medical examination or underwriting.

    By Garima Manihar
    On: Sep 12, 2023
  • Best term plan offered

    While purchasing a term plan from InsuranceDekho I noticed that InsuranceDekho’s website offers some best term plans provided by some of the best insurance companies in India. I was able to compare term plans offered by leading insurance companies in India. I purchased the ICICI Prudential Term Insurance- iProtect Smart Plan from InsuranceDekho. 

    By Jaya Verma
    On: Aug 22, 2023
  • Estimating premiums made easy

    Estimating premiums by using the online term insurance premium calculator has become a very easy task. By entering simple details such as name, gender, age, sum assured, and personal habits like consuming alcohol/tobacco, etc. I was able to easily estimate the premium. After calculating premiums and comparing different plans I purchased the ICICI Prudential Term Insurance- iProtect Smart Plan.

    By Harshi Sharma
    On: Aug 03, 2023
  • Uncompromising Protection, Unb...

    InsuranceDekho's term insurance provides uncompromising protection at an unbeatable price. The ICICI Prudential Term Insurance- iProtect Smart Plan’s coverage is extensive, and the premiums are reasonable, making it the perfect choice for securing your family's future.

    By Ranjana Bisht
    On: Jul 24, 2023

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