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Why choose Future Generali Term with Return of Premium?

Future Generali Term with Return of Premium is a life insurance plan which provides the life assured with two kinds of benefits - Death Benefit and Maturity Benefit. While the plan’s death benefit enables the life assured to keep their family financially secure in their absence, the maturity benefit helps them meet their financial requirements in case of their survival. 

Under the plan, the life assured can choose to get either ‘Lump Sum Protection’ (Option A) or ‘Income Protection’ (Option B), depending upon their financial requirements. While option A pays the death benefit as a lump sum to the nominee, option B pays it in the form of monthly income to the nominee during the payout period chosen by the life assured.

Why Choose Future Generali Term with Return of Premium?

Following are the key features of the Future Generali Term with Return of Premium which make it a worthy choice  - 

  • High Flexibility: The plan allows the life assured to choose the policy term and premium payment term (PPT) as per their convenience and requirements.
  • Rider Option: The life assured can choose to enhance the plan’s coverage by opting for the ‘Future Generali Accidental Benefit Rider’ and paying an additional nominal premium.
  • Loan Facility: The Future Generali Term with Return of Premium allows the life assured to avail a loan of up to 85% of the surrender value of the policy to meet financial emergencies.
  • Tax Benefits: The life assured is eligible to avail tax benefits for the premiums paid towards the plan under Section 80C and 10 (10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • Paid-up Benefits: If the life assured fails to pay the premiums after 2 years, instead of lapsing, the policy gets converted into a paid-up policy and pays out the death and maturity benefits on a pro rata basis.
  • Policy Revival: A lapsed/paid-up policy can be revived within 5 years from the date of the first unpaid premium.

What is Payable as Death Benefit and Maturity Benefit under the Plan?

Let’s understand the two benefits payable under the Future Generali Term with Return of Premium in detail - 

1. Death Benefit

In case of an unfortunate demise of the life assured during the policy term, the highest of the following is paid as the death benefit to the nominee -

A. 105% of the total premiums paid as on the date of death

B. 10 times of the annualised premium

C. Guaranteed Maturity Sum Assured equivalent to:

Option A - 100% of the paid premiums.

Option B - 115% of the paid premiums.

D. Death Sum Assured equivalent to:

Option A - Sum assured chosen by the life assured at the time of policy inception.

Option B - Under this option, the nominee can choose to receive either the monthly income payouts payable during the payout period or a lump sum equivalent to the monthly payouts discounted at 6.25% p.a. compounded annually.

2. Maturity Benefit

In case the life assured survives till the end of the policy period, the Guaranteed Maturity Sum Assured is paid to him in accordance with the chosen plan option.

What are the Key Details of the Plan?

Following are the key details of the Future Generali Term with Return of Premium, which every individual must know to make an informed decision - 



Entry Age

Minimum - 18 years

Maximum  - 55 years

Maturity Age

Minimum - 28 years

Maximum  - 75 years

Policy Term

10 years - 35 years

Premium Payment Term (PPT)

10 years - 15 years

Premium Payment Frequency

Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly, Yearly

Payout Period (Only Applicable for Option B)

10 / 15 / 20 years

Minimum Sum Assured

Rs. 10,000

Maximum Sum Assured

As per board underwriting approval

Minimum Premium Amount

Payment Mode



Rs. 500


Rs. 1,000


Rs. 2,000


Option A - Rs. 3,000

Option B - Rs. 3,696

Maximum Premium Amount

No Limit

Take Away

Future Generali Term with Return of Premium is an ideal choice for individuals looking for a flexible pure-protection plan with maturity benefits. In addition to term plans, Future Generali India Life Insurance offers various other types of life insurance plans including ULIPs, Child Plans, Retirement Plans, Traditional Savings Plans, and Guaranteed Income Plans. 

You may also like to read - How To Compare Life Insurance Plans Yourself?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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