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What Is Life Insurance Death Claim Time Limit?

When all documents are in order and a claim is fairly straightforward, it should only take around 10 to 14 days for the claim to be processed. In most cases, an insurer will take longer than 60 days to pay a claim. It's difficult to pinpoint a precise number of days simply because it depends on the company, your state's laws, and how fast you provide your insurer with all the required information. However, you can do some things to make sure your claim is processed in time.

The timeframe within which you must file a claim for life insurance is not set. Until a claim is filed or until the insurance company finds the beneficiary, the death benefit of life insurance usually grows with interest. In addition to state laws mandating prompt payment of life insurance money, the growing death benefit often forces insurers to act quickly in issuing payments.

How can you expedite your claims? 

The following steps may assist you in ensuring that your death claim is paid within the timeframe which you prefer.

Getting The Death Certificate Ready 

A death certificate that proves the assured person's death must be provided to the company when you attempt to get your claim paid. Original death certificates are required by all companies, and once they receive them, they will not return them. In order to provide the original death certificates to each of their life insurance companies, it is advisable to order multiple death certificates.

Getting in touch with your life insurance provider

It is possible to become so busy after losing a loved one that you do not have time to contact your life insurance company. You should still contact your insurer as soon as possible after the death of an assured person.

Checking that all requirements have been met

Ensure that all of the supporting materials are attached to the documents once you have filed all of the paperwork requirements. Sometimes, insurance companies require the original death certificate, the claim form, and the policy. In case you are missing the original policy, notify your insurance company so that they can help you out.

By following these steps, you should be able to receive your benefit quickly and within the time frame, you desire.

Why Your Claim Might Take Longer Than You Expect

A claim could take a while to process (or be denied) for a variety of reasons, including those listed below:

Claims that occur during the contestable period

The contestable period begins after the first two years of a policy. The individual's medical records may need to be reviewed further when a claim is filed outside the contestable period. During the application process, the insurance company will ensure that all the information submitted is accurate and that the assured person has not lied or misrepresented any information.

Documents are out of order 

In addition to not having your documents in order, you could also be slowing down your claim. The original death certificate and any other relevant documents must be prepared, and all paperwork must be filled out completely. If you do not comply, you will delay the processing of your claim.

Having a backlog at a life insurance company

Any excess capacity can usually be handled by a department within an insurance company that specializes in claims. Due to a backlog sometimes, a claim could take a bit longer to process for a few days, making it take longer to receive. Contact your state insurance department immediately if you believe your company is intentionally withholding funds from you.


As long as none of these reasons applies, your insurance company should pay your claim within 30 days. A life insurance policy does not have any rules pertaining to how soon you must make a claim.

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How Do Pensions Work After Death?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.    

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