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How To Invest In Gold In India 2024?

For its opposite trajectory to equities, gold investment has historically been a safe haven for investors during such trying times. However, for Indians, gold is much more than just an investment opportunity; and when emotion enters the picture, it is critical to pay closer attention to the commodity, the risks, and rewards it provides. It is especially important in the case of gold because gold can be used in two ways: as an investment or for personal use.

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Various Gold Investing Options

Let's look at the different ways you can own gold and see what works best for you as an investor and a buyer.

1. Digital Gold

Digital gold can also be purchased for as little as Re 1. Gold traders or manufacturers, such as Augmont, are usually associated with such sites. You can conduct gold trades at current market prices and redeem them at any time. You have the option of receiving the value of your investment or receiving the actual delivery of gold. Check with the site you're using to invest in digital gold, nevertheless. You may not be able to receive physical gold on all platforms. Your digital gold investment is backed by genuine gold.

2. Gold Stocks 

Various investors in India have the option of purchasing and trading gold stocks offered by a variety of companies that are active producers and developers of gold mines in the country. If investors buy gold this way, they avoid paying the premium that they would have paid if they bought it directly. Furthermore, the value of gold shares tends to rise with time, resulting in substantial profits.

3. Bars and Coins

Coins and bars may have little 'utility' value. These have manufacturing costs as well, but they are much lower than jewelry. In most situations, they are less than Rs 1,000. Theft and physical harm are both possible with coins/bars and jewelry

4. Gold Mutual Funds 

These are investment vehicles that invest largely in gold ETFs and other assets of a similar nature. Gold mutual funds do not invest directly in physical gold; instead, they use Gold ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) to do so. Investing in gold funds is just as straightforward as investing in mutual funds. To begin investing, you will not need a large sum of money. You can invest as little as Rs 100 each month, and if your income rises, you might consider raising your investment.

5. Physical  gold

There are various benefits to investing in gold, particularly if you invest in the physical form. However, it has its own set of difficulties, such as high manufacturing costs, purchasing costs, outmoded designs, and safety. In India, the manufacturing expenditures for real gold jewellery often range between 14 and 25% of the entire decoration cost. Furthermore, these charges cannot be reclaimed later.


Investing in gold commodities may prove to be a wise decision. When it comes to the best gold investment possibilities in 2021, you can explore the aforementioned options. However, the final selection is entirely dependent on your unique requirements, so do your homework and make an informed judgment when considering multiple gold commodities to invest in.

Also Read:  Ways To Double Your Invested Earnings

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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