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Top Term Insurance Buying Mistakes You Should Avoid

Term insurance covers you for a set length of time by safeguarding your family's future in the terrible event of your death. In your absence, it serves as a source of income. As your family's future is so important that it cannot be jeopardised at any time, purchasing term insurance becomes a crucial decision that must be made carefully if you want to get the most out of it. In the following article, we'll go through some common term plan problems and how to avoid them.

Top Term Insurance Buying Mistakes You Should Avoid

Here is the list of mistakes that should be avoided while purchasing term insurance plans. 

  • Insufficient Coverage

The primary goal of any sort of insurance is to be able to pay for your dependents' requirements. The same can be said for a term plan. Unfortunately, many people underestimate their needs and settle for a low-cost policy. They overlook expenses such as mortgages, vehicle loans, personal loans, credit card bills, and utility bills, resulting in inadequate coverage. Furthermore, they fail to account for inflation, as well as future expenses such as children's higher education. This should be avoided at all costs. 

Following a thumb rule, your policy's sum assured should be twelve times your monthly income is an appropriate technique to assess the suitable quantity of life insurance to satisfy your family's needs. Another blunder to avoid when purchasing a plan is selecting a lower level of coverage in order to keep the premiums low. This means receiving an insufficient sum assured, which will result in your funds fast drying up. Remember that a term plan is intended to assist your family in the event that you pass away, and inadequate insurance could jeopardise their financial security.

  • Short Plan Term

Sometimes, simply to save money on premiums, you may choose a shorter term to pay lower premiums. This decision, though, may end up costing you more in the long term because you'll have to buy a new policy once your current one expires. The cost of your premium will rise as you become older, making it more difficult to buy a plan. For example, if you buy a 20-year term plan when you're 25, you'll be covered until you're 45. When you get another insurance coverage at the age of 45, you will have to pay a higher price. When you consider your other duties and expenses at that age, it's easy to see how this may put a dent in your wallet. Also, if your health isn't in the ideal shape, you can be turned down for a new term insurance policy. 

You should purchase a term plan with the future in mind. Avoid being enticed by lower premiums that only provide coverage for ten or twenty years. You should take into account all factors, including your age, health, and family lifestyle. Purchasing a term plan when you are young is a sensible move.

  • Providing Wrong Details 

Another terrible mistake to avoid when purchasing a term plan is providing incomplete or incorrect information. If you keep your medical history hidden from your insurer and the cause of your death is linked to an undiagnosed health issue, your claim may be denied, and your policy may be deemed null and void. 

It is recommended that you thoroughly fill out the application form. You should ensure there are no differences in information such as your age, personal habits, health condition, pre-existing ailments, and so on, as this will make it easier to file claims.

  • Delay in Purchase of A Term Plan

People often believe that because they are young and healthy, they do not require insurance. Most people put off purchasing life insurance until they are married, have children, or have a family to support. Buying insurance early in life, on the other hand, is easier and more practical. In your 30s, your obligations grow, and you realise you need a term insurance plan to protect your family's future. However, your insurance price is likely to rise at this point. This is because premiums rise as you become older, and the extra money you may have saved would eventually be added to your bills. When deciding on a term insurance plan, examine the premiums of several options.


Term life insurance can provide a significant financial cushion for your family through what could be a difficult moment in their lives. It's an excellent approach to ensure that you're with your loved ones at all times. Hence, you should not get caught up in common misunderstandings and make mistakes while purchasing insurance. Make sure to keep these considerations in mind and make an educated decision.

Also read: Term Insurance Income Tax Benefit As Per Section 80C

Money Back Plan Vs Term Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.        

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