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Term Insurance Premium Calculator. How Does it Work?

A Term Insurance Premium Calculator will help you know the amount that you'll need to pay for a term life coverage. Read this article to find out the various factors that have an impact on term insurance premiums.

It automates the process of computing premium, making it hassle-free and seamless, thereby saving time. What’s more, computing e-premium minimizes the scope for errors that may occur during manual calculations. Further, it enables you to regulate the sum that you would like your nominee to receive in case of your absence. The term insurance premium calculator can also be customized according to your preference and convenience.

The term insurance premium calculator makes this process easier and seamless by enabling you to compare between the premium payable for all available life insurance policies. Thus, it not only saves you from the hassle of making calculations for every policy, it also enables you to view and compare the premium payable for all these policies at one glance.

Benefits of a Term Insurance Calculator

Here are the benefits of using a term insurance calculator:

  • The term insurance calculator will help you know the exact premium for your chosen coverage amount to safeguard your family in case of your untimely death
  • Your term insurance online shopping becomes a simple and convenient process
  • You become a well-informed customer about the market know-hows
  • You get to see plans of different insurers under one roof
  • You get to compare features and rates of different term insurance plans for the best deals ever!
  • Online term insurance is cheaper and simple to understand

How to Use a Term Insurance Calculator

  • The term insurance calculator will ask you to enter your personal details like your name, gender, date of birth, mobile number, marital status, annual income, smoking and chewing tobacco habits, your preferred cover amount and the age/period till which your policy should cover you etc.
  • Once you enter these details, the term insurance calculator will give you a plethora of term insurance plans offered by different insurers. Select the buy now button on the one you feel would give you the right coverage at the right price.
  • The term insurance calculator will ask you to feed in the details of your address, nominee and finally take you to the payment gateway option.
  • You can now make the term insurance payment online using your debit card, credit card or your net-banking facility.


All that you need to do is feed the term insurance premium calculator with your details, desired sum assured and preferred policy term to enable it to generate the premium payable for an array of term policies. You can view all your options at one glance, reducing your effort on research and contributing to your convenience.

Also read: What is Term Insurance Explained: Meaning And The Benefits

All You Need To Know About Life Insurance as a Simple Source of Investment


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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