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Term Insurance Plans With Critical Illness Rider- Worth The Purchase?

The critical Illness rider has been created with the goal to protect yourself and your family when it comes to dealing with huge medical bills. With this rider, the term insurance get a lump sum amount one the diagnosis of any fatal disease. 

The diseases that are included in the Critical Illness Rider are: Alzheimer's, angioplasty, aorta graft surgery, apallic syndrome, aplastic anaemia, brain surgery, CABG, cancer, cardiomyopathy, chronic lung and liver disease, coma deafness, major burns, poliomyelitis, Parkinson's disease, total blindness to name a few. 

Below are some term insurance plans that offer the critical illness rider.

Term Insurance Plans With Critical Illness Rider

This is a list of term insurance plans that provides the purchaser with critical illness rider: 

Insurance Company

Name of the policy

Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR) FY20

DHFL Pramerica India

DHFL Pramerica Flexi Term Plan


Bajaj Allianz India

Bajaj Allianz Supreme Shield Online Term Plan


Bharti AXA India

Bharti AXA Flexi Term


Edelweiss Tokio India

Edelweiss Tokio MyLife+


1. DHFL Pramerica Flexi Term

It is a customisable financial shield to safeguard your family's future financial needs. The plan offers the option to enhance or add boosters to one's life cover as per the changing needs for changing life stages. As a policyholder you get the flexibility to choose from 5 different protection options: life cover, life boost, life smart step up, life health hike, life total. 

2. Bajaj Allianz Supreme Shield Online Term Plan

This is a comprehensive term on plan that provides life benefits along with accelerated critical Illness benefit, premium waiver benefit and accidental total permanent disability benefit. In short the plan works like a shield to protect life against various odds. 

3. Bharti AXA Flexi Term

This plan provides the insured with the flexibility to choose from 3 different life coverage payout options. This policy also allows you to choose any one of the 3 critical illness covers at the time of signing up: comprehensive cover- this covers 34 critical illnesses, major illness cover- this covers 15 critical illnesses and heart and cancer cover- this covers 9 critical illnesses. 

4. Edelweiss Tokio MyLife+ 

It is a non-participating and non-linked term insurance plan that not only covers the insured's life but also provides the family with financial support at a very competitive price. With this plan you can either choose to provide your family with a lump sum amount at one go or with a monthly payout. 


The treatments for the critical illnesses can lead to a massive financial drain as the treatment of the critical illnesses can run upto lakhs. Option for one of these critical Illness term insurance plans will surely prove to be helpful for you in the long run. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard. 

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