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Term Insurance Plan For Couples: Everything You Need To Know About

The primary breadwinner of the family was traditionally the focus of term insurance coverage. However, as society changes quickly, more women are also taking on careers and responsibilities outside of the home. Nowadays, there are more uncertainties than ever, therefore it's important to have coverage for couples to ensure the family is financially protected for the future. Despite the fact that couples can purchase separate life insurance policies, businesses are increasingly providing a combined term insurance policy for couples.

Term insurance plans  do not provide the same maturity and survival advantages as pure life insurance policies, however, nevertheless, they are amongst the most cost-effective insurance products available in  the market.

What Are Term Insurance Plans?

A term insurance plan, one of the most straightforward insurance products in the market, pays the policyholder's beneficiaries the sum promised in the case of the latter's death. The required  coverage, premium payment terms, insurance duration, and riders are all customisable for the customer. Traditional term plans have various benefits, including higher  coverage amounts for low premium  because the ordinary term insurance premium is less expensive than endowment or ULIPs. It is significant to highlight that conventional term plans do not require investment.

Term Insurance Plans For Couples

As indicated below, couples have the option of choosing joint or individual term life insurance:

Cover for Life: Choosing the appropriate insurance plans to protect their spouses' lives will make the future less unpredictable and more secure, no matter what.

Nuclear Double Income Families: Families with two working spouses who split household expenditures might get a combined term insurance policy or a separate policy. A working couple is advised to purchase term insurance plans to protect their dependents and family. 
Future Needs: Marriage comes with a variety of expenditures at different phases of life. It's critical for couples to set aside enough money to cover their family's future expenses, such as child’s education costs, home improvement costs, and so on.

Health Concerns: Life is highly unpredictable and an individual can get critical illness like cancer, kidney failure, etc. at any point in life, Hence, it is important to get a term insurance cover that provides for waiver of premium as well. 

Differences Between Separate and Joint Term Insurance Plans

Below are some of the distinctions between individual and joint term insurance policies:

Rules and regulations

If you and your spouse decide to get separate term insurance plans, you will have to administer each policy independently and each will have its own terms, conditions, and cost. If you decide to get combined term insurance, you can select a single plan with the same terms, conditions, and cost. A shared term policy will also be far more handy and easy to manage in comparison.

First Death

Many combined term policies require payment after the initial claim or death. However, some combined term policies additionally provide payments of the sum promised upon the passing of each policy's covered spouse.


When a couple decides to purchase joint term insurance, it is convenient to be able to coordinate payments, paperwork, and other things. Couples who choose for different coverage will need to go through two different procedures.


Purchasing a single joint term plan is far more cost-effective and inexpensive than purchasing two individual term insurance plans. This explains why couples prefer and are more likely to purchase a combined term policy rather than two separate ones.

One Payment

If you purchase a shared term insurance, the nominees will get a one-death payout in the event that the couple perishes in an accident. When a couple dies simultaneously, the combined term insurance policy will only pay out once. Both spouses can select different candidates if the pair decides to select separate term insurance plans. The candidates will be given two separate rewards for both deaths in the event that both partners pass away simultaneously due to an accident or any other event

Getting Divorced And Separating

Joint term coverage cannot be split up if a couple splits or gets divorced. The shared term policy will expire if one of the spouses stops making premium payments. This is only one of the explanations given by experts as to why buying separate term insurance plans is a good idea.


The combined term life insurance is an excellent option if you both work and live in a nuclear household to keep things easy as well as simple and guarantee financial protection to your loved ones in case of any unfortunate incident . Make sure the policy you select provides appropriate coverage for your lifestyle and the lifestyle of your spouse.

Also Read: Understanding the Common Term used in Buying Term Insurance


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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