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Should I Buy Money Back Insurance Plans In Online Mode Or Offline Mode?

Money Back Policy is a well known insurance policy provided by Life Insurance Company for Betterment of your future. In this plan, you as a policyholder will get the lump sum amount which is the percentage of sum assured. Money Back Plans offer a variety of plans depending upon your requirements. It pays you the wholesome assured on the date of Maturity of the Policy. Money Back Policy is a perfect solution for those who are looking for a regular source of income. It does not only provide Maturity Benefits along with that you can avail a wide range of benefits. 

In this Article, we will discuss online and offline purchasing benefits to make you have a better knowledge about both the platforms and you can choose the best after understanding it in detail. 

Money Back Policy Online Benefits

There are varieties of benefits which you can avail while buying Money Back Policy Online. Such Benefits are as follows: 

  • Make Comparisons Between Different Plans

If You go for an Online Plan you can easily have access to do comparisons between different plans and their features and can choose best out of it but you cannot access this feature when you purchase a plan in an Offline Mode through agents. However, the agents will only insist or influence you to buy a policy from their company only rather than buying from any other insurance company. 

  • Access to a Brand

In an Online Mode you have free access to a whole website of a brand which is accessible 24/7 through the Internet Connection . On the other hand, Agents cannot provide you with such access. They will just do promises and can go back to their promises whereas an Online Mode Insurance Company cannot afford to do so. 

  • Cost and Sum Assured

Online Plans are found to be 30-70% cheaper compared to Offline Plans. Purchasing Plan in an Online Mode does not require agents so it eliminates the commission of agents. The average sum assured in an Online Plan tends to be higher. 

  • Flexibility

Online Plans offer you higher flexibility along with a wide array of options to make you choose the ideal one according to your needs. There will be no agent so you need to research the plan and feature on your own while buying policy online. There is no chance of having errors and wrong information in an online mode as compared to offline mode where you get such information from agents.

Money Back Policy Offline Benefits

There are varieties of benefits which you can avail while buying Money Back Policy Offline. Such Benefits are as follows: 

  • Rider Benefits

Online Plans only offer Death Benefits and Accidental Death Coverage which can be avail after paying an additional premium. Whereas Online Plans do not offer Accidental Death Benefit, Critical Illness Rider, Permanent Disability Benefit, etc. However, these benefits are provided under Offline Plans. 

  • Sum Assured

In an Online Mode, higher sum assured can just be a marketing tactic of Life Insurance Companies. Policyholders are tempted to purchase such high coverage even if they do not require it. This is where purchasing an Offline Life Insurance Policy could be a more reasonable choice. 


Online Insurance Companies win over Offline Insurance Companies in terms of convenience, Less functional costs, flexibility, lack of paperwork, transparency, and quick access. There are varieties of trusted aggregators available online which can help you sort out problems regarding applications. Opting Online Money Back Plans will help you enjoy Multiple Benefits. 

Also read 

Money Back Insurance Claim Settlement Process Explained

Why Do I Need a Money Back Insurance Plan?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.                


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