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LIC Policy Tracker: Track Your LIC Policy Status Online

LIC of India is a leading insurance company that provides numerous insurance products for its customers. In addition to providing the best insurance plans in the industry, Life Insurance Company of India (LIC) offers countless online services to simplify the experience for both new and existing users. By using the core of technology, LIC e-services now provide access to nearly all of the features that were previously only available through the branches and help you to check LIC plans like LIC Jeevan Labh Policy. 

It is crucially important to keep track of the status of LIC policies to ensure timely premium payments and know about other policy details. In this article, you’ll learn the process for tracking LIC policy status for both registered and new users. 

LIC Policy Tracker: Track Your LIC Policy Status Online

How to Track the LIC Policy Status Online for New Users? 

If you are a new user, you must first register on the LIC web portal. You can simply do it by browsing the LIC e-service website and checking LIC term insurance plan. There, you need to fill out the form and create a strong password for your account. Once the registration process is complete, a confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. 

Listed below are the steps that you need to complete to check the LIC policy status after registration as a new user. 

  • Click the URL that you received via mail. 
  • You will be taken to the page where you can enroll your policy in the user account or link it to it.
  • Enter your LIC policy details, such as the policy number, date of birth, premium amount, and others. 
  • Click the “Submit” button. 

How to Track the LIC Policy Status Online for Registered Users? 

You can know the premium payment details, accrued bonuses, and other details by logging in to the official website of the LIC. Listed below are the steps that you need to follow to check the LIC policy status for registered users. 

  • Visit the LIC India website and select Customer Portal from the Online Services section.
  • You will be redirected to the login screen, where you should choose the option for Registered User.
  • Enter your username, birthdate, and password to begin the process. 
  • Policy tools available for the registered users will be displayed. 
  • Click on “View Enrolled Policies” from the available options.
  • This will take you to a website that lists every policy you've enrolled in, along with the date of enrollment, the premium amount, and any vested incentives.
  • By clicking on the policy number, you can now see the status of your insurance coverage.

How To Track LIC Policy Status Without Online Registration? 

Another quick way to know the LIC policy status is through “SMS” and “Call Services”. Customers can check the policy details without registration by verifying their policy details over call or SMS. 

Check Policy Details Via SMS 

One of the most well-known brands in the insurance industry is LIC, and throughout the years, the business has developed a reputation for providing customer-focused services. One such solution, the SMS feature provided by LIC, aims to increase process clarity and keep clients informed throughout the policy term.

Type ASKLIC followed by the function-specific code and send it to 56767877 or 9222492224 from your registered number to find out the status of your policy through SMS. For SMS codes, see the table below:

Inquiry Type

SMS Code 

For Installment Premium

ASKLIC <Policy Number> Premium 

For Revival Amount

ASKLIC <Policy Number> Revival

Bonus Addition Status 

ASKLIC <Policy Number> Bonus

Loan Availability 

ASKLIC <Policy Number> Loan

For Nomination 

ASKLIC <Policy Number> Nom 

Check Policy Details Via Call 

LIC of India offers consumers a 24x7 IVRS facility so they can receive real-time updates on their insurance policies. They can access all policy-related information by entering their policy number. You can contact the LIC helplines listed below to receive voice support:

User Type 

Helpline Number

MTNL and BSNL users


Landline or Mobile Users

<City Code>12151

Wrap Up 

Previously, customers had to visit an LIC branch office or contact an agent to check the status of their LIC policy. However, at present, customers can know everything online, including policy status, without any hassle. When you call customer service, don’t forget to keep your policy number handy.

Also read: Steps To Revive Lapsed Aegon Life Policy


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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