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Is Term Life Insurance Beneficial In The Event Of Death?

Term insurance is the simplest financial investment to understand. In essence, it provides financial security for a predetermined term of years. This term could range anywhere between 10, 20, and 30 years during which if the policyholder passes away, the nominee receives a death benefit insurance amount.

To avail of this benefit, the policyholder makes regular payments to the insurance company in the form of premiums. The premium amount is determined using the age, health, and death benefit insurance amount. The premium is fixed and paid for the duration of the term, which is why it is recommended to purchase term insurance when you are young. This is because the premium amount increases as you grow older.

Term insurance companies provide the option to customize your term plan based on your requirements. Policyholders can buy a term plan and strengthen them with unique term insurance riders, such as accidental death benefit, critical illness, total and permanent disability, etc., to ensure all-inclusive protection. Insurance-seekers looking for term plans in India can opt for increasing or decreasing benefits and even convert their term life insurance policy into a permanent life cover.   

Types of Deaths Covered in Term Insurance

When it comes to securing the future of your loved ones, it is important to invest adequate time in devising a proper financial plan. While you cannot foresee the future, a term plan can provide you with the necessary life cover in case of any unfortunate eventuality. In the event of your untimely demise, your beneficiaries can use the death claim to address both immediate as well as future financial needs. However, before you buy a term plan, it is necessary to acquaint yourself with the terms and conditions of the policy.

Term insurance companies endeavour to provide a comprehensive life cover, and so the term plans in India include the following deaths to provide cover against:

  • Natural death or death owing to health-related issues

Term insurance plans provide a death claim to the beneficiary if the policyholder passes away due to a health-related concern or faces a natural death. Death can be caused by diseases or a medical condition, and in such an event, the nominee will receive the death benefit insurance amount of the term plan. Additionally, if the policyholder has opted for a critical illness rider, the insured receives a lump-sum on the diagnosis of critical illness pre-specified in the policy.

  • Accidental death

Accidental death can be defined as a sudden, unforeseen, and involuntary event that is the result of an external, violent, and visible force. A term plan provides cover in any such scenario. If the policyholder has opted for an accidental death benefit rider in addition to their basic term insurance plan, term insurance companies will provide an extra layer of protection by giving the nominee an additional amount over and above the basic sum assured. This rider is, therefore, beneficial for those who have to travel frequently for business or for individuals who work in high-risk environments.

However, there are certain exceptions to accidental death. If the insurance holder was intoxicated while driving or had been involved in any criminal activity, the death claim can get rejected. Additionally, if the policyholder dies due to engaging in an adventurous activity such as skydiving, bungee jumping, etc., then it is excluded from the term plan life cover. 

  • Death by suicide

In the event that the insured member commits suicide after the first 12 months of the policy, the nominated beneficiary is eligible to receive 80% of the premium amount paid if the purchased policy is a non-linked one. If the term plan is a linked one, and the policyholder dies due to suicide after the initial 12 months, the beneficiary is eligible to receive 100% of the premium amount paid.

If the policyholder dies due to suicide before the completion of 12 months of the policy commencement, the nominee will not be paid any death benefit. The 12-month condition is in place to discourage suicide for individuals stuck in financial debts.


It is important to note, however, that not all term plans in India offer suicide cover, and so it is important to be aware of the terms and conditions of the policy, the types of deaths covered and not covered, and the subsequent clauses associated with them.   

Also read- LIC Term Insurance Policy At its Finest

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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