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Is Mutual Fund A Better Investment Than Stocks?

Stocks are far riskier as compared to equity mutual funds. The diversified equity mutual fund spreads your investment across sectors and industries and hence, reduces the volatility in your investment. You have to conduct extensive research to pick the right stocks before investing your money. In the case of equity mutual funds, the research is done by experts, and a professional fund manager manages your investment. This service is not free and comes with annual management fees that are charged by the mutual fund house.

Is a Mutual Fund Better Than Stocks? 

Comparison study between mutual funds and stocks is given below:

  • When Investing As A Novice

If you are a new investor with little or no experience in the stock markets, it is best  to start your equity investments through mutual funds as not only is the risk comparatively lesser, you also have a fund manager managing your investment.  You also have different types of equity funds and you may choose the best plan to achieve your financial goals based on risk tolerance. 

  • Tracking Your Investment

With an investment in mutual funds, you have the benefit of a fund manager who has extensive expertise and experience in the field. Whether it is picking the stocks or monitoring them and making allocations, you do not have to worry about it. This service is not available in the case of stock investments. You are responsible for picking and tracking your investment. 

Also read: Are Mutual Funds the Best for Making Money?    

  • Risk And Return

It is already established that equity diversified mutual funds have the advantage of reducing the risk by diversifying a portfolio. On the other hand, stocks are vulnerable to the fluctuations in the market, and the performance of one stock can’t compensate for another. Moreover, you could consider investing in equity funds depending on your risk profile. For example, you could invest in index funds if you seek a passive investment which offers returns in line with a market index. It is less risky as compared to a sector fund that invests in stocks of only one sector.

  • Tax Gains

You don’t get any tax benefits if you invest in stocks. However, you are eligible for a tax deduction up to a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh per annum under Section 80C if you invest in tax-saving mutual funds called equity linked saving schemes or ELSS. You may invest in ELSS for the twin-benefits of inflation-beating return and tax saving.

  • The Cost Of Investing

You may invest in an equity diversified mutual fund that invests in around 50 stocks. It protects your investment from the volatility of the stock market and also reduces the cost of investing. For instance, you might have to spend a considerable amount of money to diversify a stock portfolio across 50 stocks. However, you can do this easily if you invest in equity diversified mutual funds at a much lower cost.  

  • Diversification

A well-diversified portfolio should include at least 25 to 30 stocks, but that would be a difficult task for a small investor. With equity diversified mutual funds, investors can also get a diversified portfolio which is managed by a mutual fund manager. Buying units of the fund allows you to invest in multiple stocks. Moreover, you could invest through the systematic investment plan or SIP where you put in small amounts regularly in an equity mutual fund scheme. 

  • Control On Your Investment

In the case of equity mutual funds, the fund manager decides on the stocks to be included in the portfolio. You do not have control over which stocks are to be picked and for what duration. As an investor, if you invest in equity mutual funds, you do not have the option to exit from some stocks that are in your portfolio. However, an individual investing in stocks has more control over the investment than an investor who invests in mutual funds as he makes the buy and sell decisions himself.

  • Time

You don’t have to spend a lot of time researching individual stocks if you invest in an equity fund. The fund manager takes care of your investment and the research team picks the right stocks. However, you must check the important parameters such as portfolio of the fund, AMC track record, assets under management and investment style of the fund manager before investing your money in the equity fund. 


You must invest in stocks and equity funds with a long term investment horizon. However, you must be able to time your exit from stocks. You may follow the buy and hold strategy with equity funds to achieve your long term financial goals.

Must Read: How To Invest In Mutual Funds Through SIP?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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