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How Much Money Should You Save for Retirement in India?

Everyone desires a peaceful and stress-free life after retirement. Whether or not it becomes true is something that depends on one’s conditions and financial strength. Many people find themselves struggling to pay for their expenses after their retirement. If you do not want to be one of those people, make sure you start planning for your retirement. In case you are not sure of the specific amount you must save, know that it would depend on a number of factors. Let us learn how and why.

Factors That Play a Key Role in Saving for Retirement

The key elements that play a massive role in deciding the saving amount for retirement are:

  • Starting Time - Experts advise you to start early and keep on saving until it is time for your retirement. Age plays a significant role when it comes to investing for retirement. If you are in your 20s and save a massive percentage of your income, you will get a huge amount down the line. If your job role is the one that will provide you with a pension, slashing down on the savings will not make a drastic difference. 
  • Monthly Expenditure Management - Management of monthly expenditures is a tough task, but not when one is ready with an ideal plan beforehand. It is advised to keep your monthly expenses in check and plan wisely so that you are not losing out on your savings for the retirement plan. Do not forget, your retirement fund will directly depend on your monthly savings along with the lifestyle you follow. 

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  • Alternate Income Source - In today’s time, relying on multiple sources of income for monthly expenses or retirement savings is quite common. If interested, you can invest in mutual funds to ensure optimum long-term goal planning, especially for retirement planning.
  • Lifestyle After Retirement - You must decide how you want to spend the golden years after your retirement period today. Whether you want to travel the world with your family or spend time at your new home relaxing, you must be clear of your lifestyle after retirement at the present time. Your lifestyle would determine the savings you would require. 
  • Unexpected Financial Demands - No matter how much and how strongly you may plan for your future, you may still encounter situations that may demand a significant sum from you. Be it a medical emergency or a job that’s gone in no time, you may find yourself in sudden financial trouble. To tackle such financial instability situations, it would be a must for you to save. 

Final Words

That said, what are you waiting for? Think about your financial goals today and tomorrow. Start giving your retirement planning the time and effort it needs so that you can live a life of comfort & happiness and give the same to your loved ones after you retire.

You may also like to read - Pension Plan Options To Need To Know In 2021

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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