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How Can I Check My PLI Policy Status?

Initiated in the year 1884, the Postal Life Insurance initially catered to the welfare of employees in the Postal Department. The service soon spread to employees of the Telegraph Department, State and Central Governments, Government Universities, etc. The first insurance company in the country to cover women, the Postal Life Insurance started with a coverage of Rs.4,000 and has since increased to a sum assured of a maximum of Rs.50 lakh. For policyholders of the Postal Life Insurance, checking the status of their policy is imperative - to check either the premium due date, survival date, maturity date, etc. Policyholders can check the status of their policy on the Postal Insurance website using their account credentials, the India Post website, or via Email.

How To Check Your Postal Life Insurance Status?

Postal Life Insurance policyholders can check the status of their policy in the following ways:

1. Via their Postal Life Insurance online account

All existing policyholders - new and old - can create an online account for themselves using their name and other related policy details on the Postal Life Insurance website. Once they have created the account, policyholders have to just enter their login credentials, the captcha, and click on ‘submit’ to check the status of their Postal Life Insurance policy.

2. Via Email

To know the status of their Postal Life Insurance policy, policyholders can write to either or

3. Via the IndiaPost website

Policyholders can follow the steps mentioned below to check the status of their Postal Life Insurance policy via the IndiaPost website:

  • Visit the IndiaPost website.
  • Click on ‘Insurance’ on the top bar of the screen.
  • From the drop-down menu, click on ‘Postal Life Insurance’.
  • The page will be redirected to the official website of the Postal Life Insurance.
  • Click on ‘login’ on the right-hand side of the screen.
  • Enter your customer ID and password.
  • Enter the captcha and click on ‘login’.
  • Once logged in, you can check the status of your Postal Life Insurance policy.

4. Other Ways To Check The Status Of Your Policy

There are other ways that you can use to check the status of your policy:

  • In case you have any query related to your policy, you can send a mail to the email ID
  • You can also call on the toll-free number 1800 180 5232, 155232. You can also call their land line number 011 24673177.
  • Under the ‘Contact Us’ section, you can also get the contact details of the people who can help you in case you have any concern based on the city you reside in. For example, if you reside in Karnataka, then you can find the contact details of the person who can help you with your queries. The contact detail will include the designation of the person, along with the office address, email ID, and the telephone number.


Hence, it is extremely simple and a hassle-free process to check the status of your policy. All you will need is a secure internet connection and a laptop or a mobile phone. Through the aforementioned steps, Postal Life Insurance customers can keep a track of their policy, check their premium due dates, the approximate payout they will get at the end of the term, etc.

You may also like to read - Why Should I Choose ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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