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How Can I Check LIC Policy Status Easily?

It's just as important to check on the status of your policy as it is to purchase it. It's all too easy to forget about premium payments in today's frantic environment, and even the grace period might be overlooked. To avoid this, make sure you evaluate your life insurance policy on a regular basis and are aware of any upcoming premium payments.

Finding out the status of one's LIC insurance used to require a trip to a branch office or contacting an agent. According to the insurer's web platform, which provides a variety of services, checking the status of your policy is now just a click away. Customers can also use LIC's mobile services to monitor the status of their insurance or premium payment. Make sure you have your insurance number on hand when calling customer support or checking your status online.

LIC policy status

Term Life Insurance Premium Calculator


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Disclaimer :
1. Premium has been calculated for coverage till 60 years
2. Final Plan Eligibility will depend on some other factors including tobacco habits, education, occupation and income of the life assured / proposer

Why Is It Important To Check The Status Of Your LIC Policy?

Here's why it's crucial to double-check your LIC policy status:

  • From the convenience of your own home, you can now see your LIC statement. You won't have to wait in line at a LIC office. You will also be aware of the interim bonus and other pertinent information if you evaluate your insurance on a regular basis. While reviewing the policy online, you'll see the 'Feedback' option, which you can use to offer queries and essential recommendations.
  • A life insurance policy protects you from unanticipated disasters, but it's important to check on the status of your policy on a regular basis to ensure that it's giving you the best returns. After all, a policy that has expired is useless. If you haven't done so recently, set aside some time today to check yours.

What Is The Best Way To Check The Status Of Your LIC Policy Online?

By logging on to the LIC India website with their username and password, users can view information about premium payments, group plans, earned bonuses, and more. If you are a registered user, follow the steps below to check the status of your LIC policy:

  • On the LIC India website, navigate to Customer Portal under Online Services.
  • It will bring you to the login screen, where you must select "Registered User" from the drop-down menu.
  • Fill in your username, date of birth, and password in the fields provided, then click Go to begin the session.
  • This will lead you to a page where you can examine all of the policy tools that registered clients have access to.
  • Now choose View Enrolled Policies from the drop-down menu.
  • This will take you to a page that details all of the policies you've bought, as well as the date, premium amount, and vested bonuses.

Checking the status of a LIC policy through SMS

LIC is one of the most well-known names in the insurance sector, and it has a long history of offering exceptional customer care. The LIC's SMS service is one such tool that attempts to make all processes more transparent and keep clients informed throughout the insurance term.

To check out the status of your policy through SMS, type ASKLIC followed by the function specific code and send it to 56767877 or 9222492224 from your registered number.

Take Away

Consumers can use LIC's online services to help with transactions and complaints. LIC e services provide you access to practically all of the functions that were only available at the branch level previously. One of the alternatives provided by the state-run insurer is to check policy-related information, which aims to keep the user informed about payments and other significant events. There are numerous strategies from which to choose.

Do read - What Makes ICICI Pru iProtect Smart The Best Protection Plan?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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