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Do You Have A Home loan? Know Why The Term Insurance Is Right For You.

A term insurance plan is a unique insurance plan because as the name suggests it works for a fixed duration varying from 1 to 30 years, they come at a comparatively lower premium price and last only up to a fixed duration or till the untimely death of the insured person during this term.

Need To Opt For A Term Plan

Following are the reasons you need to invest in a term plan:

  1.  When one takes on a home loan it becomes essential to plan for all the scenarios and such planning requires having plans ready for all the scenarios, one such fool proof plan being taking a term insurance and determining how suitable it is for you.
  2.  It isn’t mandatory to buy a term insurance plan when taking on a home loan but it is advisable that one must plan for all the scenarios when taking on this task ,one such scenario being if the financially responsible member of the family succumbs to some unfortunate event then the family in such a time of hardship will have to go to the fear of losing their home due to fault in payment of loans in such scenario having a plan such as having a term insurance would prove to be a beacon of hope instead of losing their home to pay the debt of the home loan the reimbursement from insurance would prove to be a key factor in securing a home and a future for the family after the demise of the individual on which rest of the members are dependent. 
  3. It is advised that one plans their term insurance in such a way that the settling amount be 10 times the yearly income of the individual insured or along with the amount of home loan that need to be paid.

Benefits of Opting For A Term Plan

Here are some of the benefits of a term plan:

1. Affordable Option

One may be advised by the loan lending agency to get a term insurance on your home loan so that any outstanding amount is covered by the insurance. If one fails to repay the loan, buy a term insurance plan which is more affordable and works well enough than a home loan protection plan.

2. Wide Range of Benefits

Term plans offer other interesting fruitful benefits as well such as the comparatively cheap rate of the term plan and that the surviving members get the full amount compensated to them regardless of when the claim is made this amount could cover the debt of the home loan as well as the residual amount can be used for survival expenses. 

3. Aid For Home Protection

The term plan has wider protection cover as compared to a home protection plan which only focuses on clearing the outstanding loan amount but the term plan leaves room for other needs of the surviving family.


Building a home for one’s family is a very fulfilling task for an individual and more often than not it tends to become a part of their legacy so it becomes important that their legacy stay well put even in case of their sad demise and this protection their legacy , home and family’s future can be ensured by having a plan for all scenarios one such being buying a term insurance plan that would take care of any outstanding debt that the person leaves behind and would protect their family from carrying such burden and leaves a decent enough room for taking care of other needs of survival of the family so though not mandatory it comes an essential and an advisable move to take out at erm insurance when taking on a home loan.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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