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Common Exclusions Under Retirement Insurance Plans Offered By Exide Life Insurance

Exclusions are events or conditions that, if they result in the insured person's death, are not covered by a Life Insurance policy. Let's look at an example to better grasp this: Let's say someone buys a life insurance policy and then kills himself. Following the death of the insured person, the money insured under the Life Insurance policy will be paid to the nominee. following the death of the policyholder, according to the terms of the policy. Suicide, on the other hand, is, like many other exclusions, an exclusion in a Life Insurance policy. It is strongly advised that you study the terms and conditions of your insurance before enrolling in it so you can save yourself from the exclusions of the policy. 

Similarly, retirement plans contain a slew of exclusions that the insurance company will not cover if the insured person dies or encounters an unforeseen circumstance as a result of the excluded factor. Read on to learn more about this, particularly Exide Life Insurance.

Common Exclusions Under Retirement Insurance Plans Offered By Exide Life Insurance? 

Exide Life Insurance is one of the oldest and most trustworthy insurance companies in India that has been providing individuals and families with life and retirement covers. Let us go through the exclusions in their retirement plans so you can take a prudent decision before investing into their policy.

  • Death From Medicinal Overdose Or Drug Abuse

Elderly people very often go on hill treks to enjoy their retirement days, where they try adventure sports such as paragliding, hill climbing, bungee jumping, and other activities that may not be suitable for their age or health conditions, and if it results in a fatality, no benefits will be paid because the insured and his family were aware of the risk.

  • Participating In Risky Adventures And Sports

Retired individuals frequently go on hill treks to enjoy their retiree days, where they try thrilling rides such as paragliding, hill climbing, bungee jumping, and other activities that would not be appropriate for their age or health conditions, and if they die as a result of their actions, no benefits will be paid because the insured and his family were aware of the risk.

  • Risks Related To Lifestyle

Before you sign up for insurance, you'll be asked about your smoking and drinking habits. According to insurance companies, smokers have a substantially higher mortality rate than nonsmokers. As a result, smokers are much more likely than non-smokers to file a Life Insurance claim. As a result, they have the authority to charge smokers higher rates than nonsmokers, and they may even deny claims if you die as a result of smoking.

  • Events of Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are beyond anyone's control, and a vast number of people are clearly harmed. Natural disasters are frequently regarded as Acts of God and excluded from policy coverage because the firm cannot recompense everyone. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters are examples of this.

  • Mishaps By Participation In Riots

Since they affect several policyholders at the same time, man-made catastrophes are not covered; there is no insurance for risks caused by man-made disasters. Two examples are man-made conflicts and riots. Any injuries experienced while participating in civil commotions are not covered by Exide. It will not be held liable for a person's death unless it can be proven that the person was inspired by the desire to cause public turmoil.


It is very important to study the fine print of the terms and conditions before acquiring a Life Insurance policy. Your family might suffer a very bad financial loss as a result of your untimely demise. A denied death claim, on the other hand, can be financially devastating. Examining the terms and conditions may take more time than normal. It's still important to know what your insurance covers and what it doesn't.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.         

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