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Best Term Insurance Plans For Women

An insurance plan is the best way to become financially responsible and save up for a stable future. A good insurance plan helps you save your current earnings for a secure future. Many insurance companies offer discounts on premiums for women. There are also many insurance plans that are especially helpful for housewives. 

This article will discuss some such term insurance plans that are the best for women.

Best Term Insurance Plans for Women

Term insurance plans stay valid only for a certain period of time or “term”. They are very helpful in meeting immediate goals. Here are some of the best term insurance plans for women.

Term Insurance Plan


Wellsurance Women From TATA-AIG

Daily Cash Hospitalization Benefit, Lump Sum Benefit for specific illnesses like heart attack, kidney failure and more

SBI Life Smart Women Advantage

Rider for Pregnancy-Related Complications, Triple Benefit Cover 

Bajaj Allianz Critical Illness Cover

Provides cover for 8 critical illnesses usually found in women like breast, vaginal, uterus cancer and more

Aegon Religare Term Online Policy

Maximum cover of 1 Crore INR provided for women

  • TATA AIG Wellsurance Women Plan

The Wellsurance Women From TATA-AIG is a great insurance plan for women, especially for medical expenses and needs. The plan not only has a lump sum benefit for multiple illnesses, but it also gives out a Daily Cash Hospitalization Benefit.

  • SBI Life Smart Women Advantage

As in the name, this insurance plan is a very advantageous insurance plan for women. It is an especially great option for pregnant women as it provides a Rider for Pregnancy-Related Complications. It provides Triple Benefits in the form of Critical Illness Cover, Life Cover and also, Savings Benefit.

  • Bajaj Allianz Critical Illness Cover

The Bajaj Allianz Critical Illness Cover is a comprehensive cover that is extremely helpful in providing for multiple critical illnesses. This cover provides cover for eight critical illnesses including different types of cancer like of the breast, vagina, uterus etc.

  • Aegon Religare Term Online Policy

The Aegon Religare Term Online Policy provides a cover of up to 1 Crore INR for women. This is a substantial amount that is very helpful in providing for several contingencies. 


Purchase the best term insurance plans according to your needs and goals. The above-mentioned plans are packed with benefits and are among the best term insurance plans for women. Check out their various features to pick the one you need.

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Difference Between Online and Offline Term Insurance Plans

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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