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5 Reasons Why A Life Insurance Claim May Be Rejected

To entice potential consumers, life insurance firms place a strong emphasis on their open and efficient claim settlement procedure. A thorough examination of insurance provider ads indicates similar results. Every business advertises its claim settlement procedure as quick, simple, and convenient. Reality, on the other hand, could be a little different. Rejected claims situations are unavoidable, no matter how efficient or transparent the methods are. It's possible that the insurance provider made a mistake, but most of the time it's due to the policyholder's stupidity or ignorance. The filing of a claim does not ensure that the funds will be released. The insurance company has the option to reject it and explain why.
Term insurance is among the most important strategies to secure the financial stability of one's loved ones in the event of their death. The nominee or beneficiary of term insurance can make a claim to receive the death benefit if the insured dies. The term insurance claim procedure is quite straightforward; nevertheless, a claim may be denied for a variety of reasons. To know and understand more on why a life insurance claim may get rejected, read on.

What Are The Reasons Based Upon Which Life Insurance Claim May Get Rejected?

Insurance firms follow a number of characteristics, some of which may be relevant to your needs, such as the sum assured, rewards on attaining term, tenure, premium charged, riders, and so on. Each one is unique, therefore determining your needs before purchasing an appropriate insurance coverage is critical.
Following are the 5 reasons to understand why a life insurance claim may get rejected -

1. Anything That Isn't Covered By The Insurance

Insurance companies are frequently contacted with claims that are not specifically indicated inside the solicitation documents, such as suicide, drug overdose death, and accidental death while inebriated. Since those claims are false, insurance providers will reject them outright.

2. Facts Not Being Disclosed Or Being Disclosed In An Inappropriate Manner

The claim may be rejected if information is withheld or disclosed incorrectly. The rates are determined by the insurer's age, medical history, profession, and health status. As a result, before fulfilling a claim, the insurance company double-checks all of the facts to ensure that they are accurate. When filling out the insurance form, it's possible that you'll make a mistake. There's also the potential that a clerical error was made by the corporation. As a result, it's critical to double-check all of the information before signing the contract.

3. Changes aren't kept up to date

Things like a change of address, an accident, or the death of a nominee must be reported to your insurance provider as soon as possible. If you don't do so and a claim emerges, the insurance provider is likely to deny the claim.

4. Not Undergoing Medical Examinations

When applying for insurance, medical records are required. Insurance companies need you to complete a few medical exams before purchasing coverage. This allows them to learn more about your health and the illnesses you possess or are at threat of. Your insurance premiums are dependent on this. If you refuse to take a diagnostic procedure or if you do have a medical condition that you do not reveal at the time of application, it's probable that the insurance company will use it against you and refuse your death insurance claim..

5. Non-payment or irregularity in premium payment

You must pay premiums on a daily basis in order to keep your life insurance policy active. It will immediately lapse if you will be unable to pay. You will also be given a grace period by the firm. Any death insurance claims that emerge due to an expired policy will not be recognised by the insurance provider unless you choose to renew the policy or purchase a new one in its stead.


To avoid a term insurance claim being denied, you don't have to do anything. Being truthful in your strategy will undoubtedly keep you out of trouble. As a result, always be honest when purchasing insurance plans to avoid financial hardships at a time when you can't afford any additional worry.

Also read-The Types Of Life Insurance Plans In India 

What Amount Of Life Insurance Cover Is Right For Me?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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